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Dark Spirit

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Status Updates posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Been a while since I was last here...Real life is killing any time I have to go on the internet.

  2. So bored with many things recently.Trying to keep up school and my job is cramming my internet time.This doesn't look good.

  3. How is everyone holding up on their end?

  4. Shit.My entire life has been consumed by New Super Mario Bros. U damn you all star coins damn you all...

    1. Egnaro


      Is it really that good? I just could not justify paying 65 dollars for a mario game unless it is really worth it and has some replay value

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      LOL WUT? 0_0

      And i thought Tv Tropes ruined peoples lifes.

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      The game is fun Adam.I certanly enjoyed it and am enjoying it but collecting every star coin is so hard.Next the challenge levels so I will certanly be playing those.

  5. Supposed bomb threat at my school.They are figuing shit out while we had a blast.

  6. AMA on my intro thread if you so wish.

  7. So how is everyone holding up?

  8. I was checking to see who was online and I see 91 people.77 guests and 12 users....Well fuck.

  9. Alright I'm having trouble figuring everyone out here...Who is new here?Who changed their name?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Bet you don't know who I am!

    3. Noside


      Never changed and never will.

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Vegaz you honestly think so?

  10. I leave for a month and...Woah holy shit who are you people?!?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlazEdge21
    3. RippleRollerDa


      Where've you been? lol

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      I've been busy with school work and a job.Working up to buy a myself a car or a motorcycle.Now I have school to deal with too but that won't be too hard.Oh yeah hi new people.

  11. I'm back with faster internet.Download all the things!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazagami


      Yo, your're back when i'm almost running out of net connection here lol

    3. Kazagami


      Anyways 1-2mb per sec is a rare thing in my place...only be done in some lux net cafe lol

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Where are you?

  12. I got to 1,000+ posts without my computer.Like a boss.

  13. I,Dark Spirit have felt the need to have it 'heavier' here.If you see what I did there...

  14. Ugh...I wanted to download Zinesis' GGXXAC Ultimate mugen on this computer but the password is an image by photobucket...Anyone know the password?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laharl


      or just wait for zin to come back.

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Yeah I am almost done cracking.lol.

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Damn....My password unlocker can't open it now that the trial version is over....

  15. Today way birthday.Didn't do much but these Skull Candy Skullcrusher headphones can kill people.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Thanks guys.Even though it is late but it's my fault for posting it at 10:20pm :p

    3. gameboi9321


      Happy Birthday!

      (SkullCandy headphones? I'm jealous. paruparuparu...)

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Yes.Pro studio $83.82 headphones known as Skull Crushers.They send sound waves into your ears.

  16. Sessh and I scared someone in the chat....I feel we acomplished something...Sorry though.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Demitri


      o_O this is what happens when i dont visit the chat for a day!?

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      We didn't mean to scare her...Just an accident...Then again maybe she did need to go...Oh well whatever the case maybe.

    4. Flowrellik


      sighs. I hope Yuyu is ok

  17. I strive to look like someone in my profile image....

    1. Yagami Brando

      Yagami Brando

      Like that dude on the right?

    2. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Yes.Scary Monsters.

  18. I am incredibly bored right now....Wish something intrested happened....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Spirit
    3. DBScourge


      When boredom strikes

      Dead Rising 2/LBP2/Skate 2 Strikes back

    4. gameboi9321


      Blow up anything that moves?

  19. I am off on my quest to find Tenma_Sama.Wish me luck and my sanity...

  20. I am slowly killing my sickness...It was bad because I haven't gotten sick in years...at least 5-7 years so I wasn't used to getting sick...I was so sick I forgot how to speak...just kidding but I trolled by speaking ONLY in french...

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