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About Astolfo2001

  • Birthday 01/23/2001

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Springfield, Tennessee, USA
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  • Interests:
    Gunpla, video games, anime, drawing, computers
  • Games:
    MUGEN/IKEMEN GO (of course), Marvel VS. Capcom 2, Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3, Star Wars Battlefront II 2005, Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Arcana Heart 3 Love Max! Six Stars!! Xtend, Million Arthur: Arcana Blood, Quake 3 Arena
  • Animes:
    Shakugan no Shana, Evangelion, G Gundam, Gurren Lagann, Medaka Box, Lyrical Nanoha, Symphogear
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  1. Yesterday, I just found out that ProJared cheated on his wife. What a scumbag. I'll never watch any of his videos ever again because of this. I admittedly did the same thing with JonTron when I found out that he was a racist Trump supporter. If you still watch their videos, that's fine with me. It's just I feel dirty watching them after the bad things they've done. Then again, Mega Man is still one of my favorite video game franchises of all time even after Kenji Inafune's whole Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter fiasco (I know he didn't actually create Mega Man but...) and I still watch the Nostalgia Critic sometimes even after the whole #ChangeTheChannel controversy so......

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    2. Astolfo2001


      Thank Olivie Sagebrecht that the closest thing the Lyrical Nanoha franchise has had to a publicly-addressed crew/cast-related controversy of some sort so far was just a debacle/a bunch of disagreement between Yukari Tamura (the Japanese VA of Nanoha)'s supervisors (or whatever) during the production of the ViVid anime and ViVid Strike! and Masaki Tsuzuki (the creator/main writer of the franchise) hasn't done any particularly disgusting misdeeds (at least from what we know about him) yet........ I'll honestly be afraid that it might ruin Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha for me if that day ever comes. But then again, the franchise has already been ruined a bit due to ViVid and Force though......So, who am I be to judge?

    3. Astolfo2001


      @RicePigeon Speaking of artists caught with child pornography, I'll never touch anything Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X-related ever because of what the creator did. Even though he later got out of jail via bail, I'm still never touching any of his stuff as long as I live. I understand that Japan just criminalized the sick and horrific thing he did a couple of years ago and even then, the country only locks people in jail for it for 1 year but it still doesn't excuse his bad behavior.

    4. mulambo
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