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  1. So I still have plenty of rare characters to show off but it seems there is not much interest in sharing or trading between rare collectors. 

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    2. A person

      A person

      Let me spell it out for you. Mugen isn't about hoarding characters like trading cards, it's about sharing them with the entirety of the public. So if you have something "rare", why not make them public? What is there to lose or gain from doing it?

    3. geodesic


      You can look at the requests section and see all the unanswered requests. Without a community sharing rare characters these lost characters will never be found. Sometimes the author requests limited release as well. It is nice to appreciate well-made rare characters. I am happy to make some characters public but only for exchange.

    4. A person

      A person

      That makes no sense at all. They're rare because people don't want to give them up, and if you really do appreciate something, you'd share it with everyone, you wouldn't keep it to yourself.

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