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About Flare-Gamer-64

  • Birthday 06/04/2001

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    Pokemon series, Capcom Fighters, TF2.

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    Flare Gamer 64
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    Flare64 (same Hsien-Ko avatar!!!)
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  1. XBox E3 thoughts (In no order): 

    Studio Mdhr, for the love of god, please don't make the new Cuphead DLC XBone exclusive.

    Dante can use Za Warudo now. Nice.

    Every JUS author just pissed them selves. 

    Ori and the wisp of willows or whatever it is looks amazing

    Why are there so many shooters?

    Kingdom Hearts 3 is pretty epik.

    Gamestop will now have Battletoads. The search is over.

    Cyberpunk reveal was pretty alright. But please D O N ' T be a shooter.

    Tomb Raider... I'll be honest and I forgot it was even in this.

    Nobody gives a shit about PUBG lol.

    Fallout. Well it's cool. That's all I have to say.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      Alright post updated. I was updating it while it aired. Now it's finished.  If I forgot something please comment. 

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