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Status Updates posted by NootNoot64

  1. matoi_ryuko_11_19_2017_35733_thumb.gif

    (Below is my reaction to it)

    Note: I'm a big fan of Kill la Kill



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Let's pray that someone would make a better Ryuko character for MUGEN

    3. RMaster007


      *breaks in through the wall* I'LL DO IT

    4. Xiristatos


      I don't know about you, but something inside me just really wants to see a MUGENised Esdeath... she's basically the only reason I bothered to look up what Akame Ga Kill is. While it's... alright, it's nothing too special. But what I can say is that Esdeath is easily the best character there, and I'm not alone on this thinking.

  2. Some random YTP releated shitpost that i made:

    When someone steals your dinner


  3. Yesterday, i watched The Emoji Movie

    Can someone give me a bottle of bleach?

    1. DuckMannnn


      Mix some dishwasher soap with insecticide

    2. Noside


      Ha! I knew it! the movie is shit, haven't seen it, thanks for saving me some time.

    3. RMaster007


      Here, take this:


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