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Palette Guru
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  1. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to DuckAzz in I hate the fact that there's now an NSFW version of Mio Akiyama.   
    > Hentai doesn't belong to mugen.
    Dude, everybody can do anything in mugen, and you can't stop them. Everything belongs in mugen, there are no fucking limits, if you don't like some stuff from mugen then don't talk about it. Always look for mugen stuff in which you're interested.
  2. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from White Ranger in Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. :D   
    Sorry if I missed your birthday, super busy with stuff and I miss you White Ranger. I'll make it up to you and I have something special for you.

    Anastasia gently puts one of her hands onto Gladiolus' cheek and caresses his face. This was of the moments she truly cared about him and hoping Cindy doesn't ruin our special moment.
  3. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from Galvatron in well i graduated from Highschool....cant help but feel nostalgic honestly but hey it   
    Time does fly by really fast. Once you graduate high school, then you can spend the rest of your life the way you want it.

    @Galvatron Awesome, it's been three years since I got out of high school, and our years can be super amazing.
  4. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Galvatron in well i graduated from Highschool....cant help but feel nostalgic honestly but hey it   
    Congrats on making out of High School Man!. :-)
    LOL! it hard to believe it been 11 years since i graduated out of high school. How time flies,
  5. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to sonikun in well i graduated from Highschool....cant help but feel nostalgic honestly but hey it   
    Congratulations, mate. I also graduated from high school in June, so we're in the same boat, mate.
  6. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from Infinite Kyo in well i graduated from Highschool....cant help but feel nostalgic honestly but hey it   
    Currently, it's your decision to decide that after you graduate high school. Good luck in life @Infinite Kyo and I love the content that you post on here. :)
  7. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Mister Fael in Can anyone else access this website? www7.tok2.com/home/hikari/game05.html It has the   
    I tried it on Wayback Machine and it's working
  8. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ in ScrewAttack talked shit about the Godfather and Godfather II??? Blasphemous.   
    Really? No offense, but that was really mean and horrible of what ScrewAttack did. There are some people who are mean and don't have a wonderful personality.
    Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~

    I'm here for you Mr. Steal, you are a one good friend I can ever talk to. :)
  9. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to RobotMonkeyHead in Hey RMH. Did you get my message from before? I hope you had some time to think about   
    No worries about the news team thing, I only suggested it in case it interested you.  Let's talk via pm.
  10. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from CoolAnimeHustler in Okay everyone here the final Preview of My Screen Pack. This Demonstration will show   
    That looks amazing and fabulous as always OldGamer. I love the way the screenpack looks plus the animations in it. Very smooth and flows. I'll give you five stars on that one, looks good as always!!!

    Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~

  11. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from White Ranger in Been trying to update some collections, but attempting to edit them, always gives me   
    Well, I recently edited my palette topic and I didn't get an error. However, whenever I finished my first post and I click edit topic after that, it does take some time to load and it feels like their might be an error. You're not the only one White Ranger.

    Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~

  12. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Galvatron in Wow, finally I can get back in MFFA!!! It's been so long I haven't check this site. H   
    Yeap! everything should be back to norm thanks to our Chief RMH
  13. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    Ok, thanks for the info guys.
  14. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Mister Fael in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    I wrote Jodiac instead of Zodiac, lmao
  15. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Mister Fael in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    @Noside PS2, there's also a Japan only re-release called International Jodiac Job system or something.
  16. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    @Anastasia, sure, any hack and slash suggestions for PS4?
    @Mr. Steal-Your-Waefu, I've never played FFXII, are you serious?
  17. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    @Anastasia, I haven't played the FF XV Demo yet but I will, I'm a veteran retro gamer and have played the very 1st Final Fantasy (NES 1990) and also the sequels as well (FF2/3 Famicom translated using an emulator) going through the SNES/SFamicom as well, not to mention the PSX ones 7/8 and 9, and ended up playing FFX for the PS2, then had the chance to play FFXIII which I didn't like it so much, but overall, every single Final Fantasy game has their own charm, love them all.
  18. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    I totally watched. FFXV: Kingsglaive was an awesome and amazing movie. Have you played the demo of FFXV, I haven't played the demo, but I have been a Final Fantasy fan since the beginning of the first FF game came out for Playstation :D
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    Yeah, you should see Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive movie, it introduces you to what's going on right after Noctis leaves town, awesome movie.
  21. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    That's awesome. You excited for the new Final Fantasy coming out? I am really hyped about it and I hope Square Enix doesn't delay the game.
  22. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Noside in Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about th   
    I am,actually, I'm playing Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius every single day, I should make my own song just like: ♪ I play Pokemon GO every day, I play pokemon go ♫ lol
  23. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to RobotMonkeyHead in While mugencoder.com might be gone, I've be given hosting for my archive site: http:/   
    Good looking new page, clean layout, no clutter.  Nice job.  Didn't realize mugen coder was gone.  But really, I trust you have a good reason for your decisions, and I hope it works out well for you.  
    ...Wait a sec... NOOOO!!! 

    ehem, I mean...
    You know you love the mugens.  We all love the mugens.  The mugens love you.  Don't leave.  The mugens will miss you.  The mugens are your home now lol 
  24. Upvote
    Anastasia reacted to Demitri in You might recognize who I am (the user which left this forum about a month ago). Firs   
    Just make things when you want to. Don't feel obligated to do anything. Taking a break from the engine and sometimes community is a good thing. Either way, welcome back. Always give your real life priority, just balance your time better.
    P.S. Mugen and Open Source is stupid. The engine is free, and the resources are accessible. i.e. open and closed source don't really exist.
  25. Upvote
    Anastasia got a reaction from White Ranger in Looks like Sony unveiled their new updated PS4, two of them to be exact: PS4 Slim, an   
    Which one are you getting? I think I might be getting the PS4 Pro because there could be a lot of PS4 games that are really good
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