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Palette Guru
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About Anastasia

  • Birthday July 27

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  • Interests:
    Mugen, Final Fantasy XV, Dynasty Warriors (Hack & Slash), Playstation

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  1. Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about the new FF game coming out and it's been such a long time since FF12 came out. I'm so hyped about it and everything.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Noside


      Ok, thanks for the info guys.

    3. Anastasia


      You're welcome @Noside. If you want, maybe one day we can play a game together if that's alright with you. :)

    4. Noside


      Yeah, let me get one of those hack and slash games and I'll let you know.

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