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Palette Guru
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About Anastasia

  • Birthday July 27

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    Mugen, Final Fantasy XV, Dynasty Warriors (Hack & Slash), Playstation

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  1. Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about the new FF game coming out and it's been such a long time since FF12 came out. I'm so hyped about it and everything.

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    2. Anastasia


      @Noside, well, some hack and slash suggestions for PS4 are only Samurai Warriors 4, 4-II, Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, or some other more hack and slash games I cannot think of at this moment.

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I wrote Jodiac instead of Zodiac, lmao

    4. Anastasia


      Hahaha, I know.

      Square Enix also confirmed that Final Fantasy XII will be returning in 2017 and re-releasing it again called Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. The only difference is that FF12 is remastered into HD and I'm so excited about it. They can just release it right now

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