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Status Replies posted by LegatoSkyheart

  1. Happy Every Single Guy Gets Sadder Day everyone.

  2. GW2 outstayed it's welcome. I wish I could get back to mugen, but elecbyte is still quiet about 1.1 :(

    1. LegatoSkyheart


      you play Guild Wars 2? Bro what server do you go to?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. People says that Rockman is based in Casshan, however they forget that Rush (the dog sidekick) only appeared in Rockman 3. Which still imply that Rockman draws inspiration in Tetsuwan Atom. Also, Yatterman had a dog like mecha with a more cartoon look like Rush. The character Hakaider from Jinzō Ningen Kikaider used to wristle before making an appearence which may be part of the inspiration for Blues.

    1. LegatoSkyheart


      Astroboy was before all of that so that makes Megaman a faker anyway.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Well, my turtle died today. I feel happy because of less stress for his non-eating ass! :3

  5. wii u!!!!! preordered!

    1. LegatoSkyheart


      I woke up too late

      going to preorder TOMORROW. BAYONETTA 2!!!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. back to school problems sigh*

  7. played The Last Story for about 8 hours straight. I should sleep but man I want Pizza.

  8. Happy Birthday to me Going to see Batman in about 13 hours

  9. Finally, got all the character slots filled

    1. LegatoSkyheart


      Ha, Yeah it usually isn't. I got so many Characters, but I like to stick to what I have now. Got some what of a KOF type story going on with my characters though the Darkstalker Characters and Marvel Characters just seem to be in the way.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. ok now if Treyarch improve and change the way the multiplayer works and the bad stuff bout previous COD's Black Ops 2 might be the best COD

    1. LegatoSkyheart


      New COD looks pretty cool, but I'm debating on whether or not to get it. I mean MW3 was pretty bad.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. UGH! I just want to play Street Fighter! I want to have like 15 matches or something of 1v1 using only One character for both me and my opponent. I dunno why, but I just wanna!


    1. LegatoSkyheart


      oh yeah it has been long time.

      I should be asleep, gotta go to work at like 10:30 lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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