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Status Updates posted by GarfieldfanMUGEN

  1. Local Garfield fan too lazy to pull anything for April Fools', so you all are safe.


    Besides, AF is basically the IRL version of the "trust nobody, not even yourself" meme.

  2. My release of the Sparkling Zone stage could not have come at a better time.


    Welcome back to Puyo Puyo, Sonic. I bet Arle and the gang missed ya.

  3. Sprite cleanup sucks. At least it'll be worth it once I reveal what I'm working on.

  4. Happy 42nd anniversary, Garfield.

  5. Probably gonna say goodbye to status updates pretty soon. Mainly because someone either won't listen or just wants to have something taken away from us.

  6. Expect a new, non-bashing video later on.


    Don't wanna make any more enemies.

  7. Happy New Year to everyone that's celebrating it now and to those who will soon!

  8. possible_color_seperation_resized.png


    Another Mappy? Yep. At least his sprites are easy to edit. Thread coming soon.

  9. Thank god the site's back up...


    You know how long I had to deal with that?

  10. My YouTube channel should be back up and running tomorrow morning.


    I dunno why I left for a while, but I'm fine. Just didn't upload anything for a while.

  11. What really grinds my gears is that when you try to access my Undertal/Deltarune collection through the alphabetical list, you get an invalid link instead of the actual one.

    1. Kazagami


      i'm more bothered by the fact that the images aren't showing up

    2. GarfieldfanMUGEN


      @Ryou Don't worry. I've figured out Imgur and will get on a new system for the previews.

  12. I'm digging the new banner right now. Makes the site look more fresh.

  13. yes this actually happened



    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      First Infinity War, Then Smash on Switch, then BBTAG and now this. Geez 2018 really is the year of unexpected crossovers.

  14. That's a lotta hitboxes...



    (Also Garfield's on hold until futher notice. I'll still be editing sprites.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N_N


      Is that AutoCLSN at work?

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I don't think that's auto clsn. (It would look like this, maybe.)

      Though I recommend checking the hitboxes of previous arc sys games if you want an idea of how they work. (unless the bbtag ones is already out somewhere, so you can just copy from there.)


      I've remembered a character that has a similar pose, Shadow Labrys from P4Arena. This is Aki's mugen conversion of said character, notice how it has only two boxes.




      So try using less clsn as possible.

    4. GarfieldfanMUGEN


      @Flare-Gamer-64 I'm probally gonna continue with Garf after I finish Ruby, so don't expect Weiss.


      @Mister Fael I'll keep that in mind. Honestly to me the more the clsn covers the shape of the character, the better (Except when it's the new version of Zim, unless the walking animation was changed).

  15. ef2d7c974151c0a0be351becd9cc0668.jpg

    Give this a few likes and I'll turn this into a M.U.G.E.N stage.

  16. i feel like makin' a screenpack for some reason

    1. xXPGlitz236


      I usually have a bucket load of ideas to make a screenpack (But mostly keeps them on hold cause im not that good at making a screenpack)

  17. The "Sad Claps Effect" - The act of taking a regular M.U.G.E.N creation and adding code from the infamous Sad Claps in the -2 statedef.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NijikakuFan61


      The idiot corner;



      Josh Geary



    3. GarfieldfanMUGEN


      @NijikakuFan61 Okay, the first three you got right. Wlan is a close friend of mine, and his creations are not THAT bad. Sure, they may be buggy, but at least WLAN'S characters are at least worth a spot on your roster.

    4. NijikakuFan61


      Then replace WlanmaniaX with Googoo64.


      Good god, GooGoo64s creations...

  18. This is one of the stupidest things I've ever done:


    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      Why. The. Fuck. Does. This. Work. So. Good.

    2. GarfieldfanMUGEN


      @Flare-Gamer-64 IDK, man.


      Hilariously, these two also fit:


  19. Basic character-sharing shenanigans:


    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      "I hAtE tHe UpLoAdEr Of ThAt ViDeO hE bAsHeD mY fAvOuRiTe ChArAcTeR aNd ChEaTeD!!!1! ????????????????????????" - Mega death soul edge 2008 the Sans Roblox Fortnite and more

  20. April 1: I celebrate Easter, but watch a Simpsons episode celebrating April Fools' Day.


    April 7: I find out there's a new batch of joke characters done on that day ("Monika", Sniper Sans, ROM Hack Sonic, and "King Dice").


    April 9: I find out there's another joke Monika.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      I have that too.

    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      There's also Kinyo Roadshow...you can't forget that

    4. Flare-Gamer-64


      I didn't mention him since it's basically a rule at this point that The_None has to make release something for this day. 

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