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About HelloMyNameIsAAA

  • Birthday 06/27/1995

Basic Info

  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Somewhere in Canada
  • Languages:
    English and French
  • Interests:
    Video-games and having fu in general.
  • Games:
    MUGEN is among these!
  • Animes:
    Uhhh... Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh!

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  1. Short PSA because I have been told some nasty drama that caused authors to leave the MUGEN community; at least for a while; If you keep some of your characters private for any reasons, be careful when sharing them to other people.


    - Close friends, beta testers, I don't care. Do not give your chars to anyone you like.

    - Make sure that you really, really, trust that guy before giving out a private character, and this might be the hardest part to do and you must accept that someone else have your characters.

    - If your private char is leaked, it is for good. Too bad !

    1. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      Pfft. I've never really understood why people get so territorial over a hobby in the first place. It just leads to a bunch of unwanted BS that no one wants to care about.

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