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About HelloMyNameIsAAA

  • Birthday 06/27/1995

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Somewhere in Canada
  • Languages:
    English and French
  • Interests:
    Video-games and having fu in general.
  • Games:
    MUGEN is among these!
  • Animes:
    Uhhh... Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh!

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  1. Apparently, the new Spider-Man movie is very acclaimed, getting raving reviews all over the place by both critics and the general people.


    Maybe this will prevent Sony Pictures Studio from doing a sequel to the Emoji Movie.


    Go see it... I guess ?


    P.S: This movie had Spider-Man, a black Spider-Man, a blacker Spider-Man,  a Spider-Woman, a younger Spider-Woman with a mech that made otakus goes squee, and even a Spider-Pig. For God's sake this movie had a more diverse cast that most movies with ''cast diversity'' as a selling point without even trying.



    1. Gaulbetti


      Dang, more Spider-Man?


      I almost have 10 of him in Mugen and none of them are MvC accurate.

    2. HelloMyNameIsAAA



       Clever joke or not, have you tried REDHOT's version ?


    3. Gaulbetti


      Nah. I still cannot Aerial Rave.


      Unless it only goes a couple feet off the ground, but I don't think that is the same.

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