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About HelloMyNameIsAAA

  • Birthday 06/27/1995

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Somewhere in Canada
  • Languages:
    English and French
  • Interests:
    Video-games and having fu in general.
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    MUGEN is among these!
  • Animes:
    Uhhh... Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh!

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  1. Small reminder that this thing was shown in a family-friendly cartoon.


    It's Puffy Fuffy from ''A Pal for Gary'' if you wanted to know.




    1. SSBKing65✯


      The post movie season episodes had all kinds of disturbing gross out humor, remember Face Freeze? and that gruesome scene where Squidward got his foot crushed by the couch? 

    2. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      The toenail screen was very infamous and a sign of Spongebob jumping the shark. Did the show recovered from the grossout humour that was present in past seasons ? For more disturbing content from Spongebob, there is also The Splinter and possibly One Coarse Meal. The latter have Plankton wanting to commit suicide and the other characters being a jerk at him, so it could be disturbing to some.

    3. RMaster007


      Small reminder than Nickelodeon allowed this ep to air despite how awful it is.

      (Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful is worse IMO)

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