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Status Replies posted by Sinjik

  1. Looks like it's your turn. Happy birthday, old geezer! 

  2. Today is my birthday! Yaaaaaay. And here's to celebrating it: 


  3. Happy Birthday to ME!!! I'm planning to upload a special birthday battle this afternoon! :D :D :D

  4. Hey its fun for while. but its time for me to say goodbye to MFFA.

    God bless and take care everyone


  5. I think @Ryoucchi needs some help. He's been pretty depressed lately and I feel like I can't help him on my own.

    1. Sinjik


      It would be easier to know what he is depressed about but if you dont know, that alright.  But i think we should give words of encouragment or maybe a community made message.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. The tournament that me and my brother are entering is also livestreaming at 12 pm on Sunday the 14th.


    Feel free to watch.

  7. Bang Shishigami's Astral Finisher in BBCF is fucking amazing!!

  8. So, my brother and I are entering the Brawlhalla Spring Tournament doubles on the 13th.  And since this is my first tournament, I kinda feel funny.  Then again, i think im prepared.  Some what.

    1. Sinjik


      Ooops.  I meant the 14th


  9. my #1 question since you seem to be an awesome RPer;


    do you have a Discord account, mate?

  10. my #1 question since you seem to be an awesome RPer;


    do you have a Discord account, mate?

  11. Happy birthday CozySquirtle! (is it today or i am wrong?)

  12. I bought Half Genie Hero today. Nothing Special.

  13. I'm gonna attempt to rip Byakuya.

    1. Sinjik


      Yeah, I was gonna try and put him on Mugen first but I kinda wanted to see what it was like to.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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