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Status Updates posted by TheRedBeast

  1. back to the usually thing huh?

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      No, this is not a problem with this host.  In the last week we've seen a bunch of ddos attacks. 

  2. is so white i cant see anything XD

    1. mulambo


      everything is whiter when you're free of the toxicity!

  3. 2019 and im alive...good

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- That's Great, TheRedBeast! Let 2019 Be The Year You Shine, Yo! ⊂(▀¯▀⊂)

  4. ugh...too much heat wind

  5.  i never see so much bad luck in one place i hope this site can enjoy more stabilty now

  6. i want that smash someday

  7. oh my god boiiiiissss!!!!!!!

  8. lol what happend now

  9. snk heroines...i really dont be convince maybe is because is the first trailer i will wait for more then

  10. okay...this day i can stay without of sleep DX

    1. Eduardo Merenda

      Eduardo Merenda

      OH YEAH BAY-BEE! And what do you plan to do with that awake night, party boy?

  11. the lights back!!!!! yah!!!

  12. ...the hate...is normal here in mugen

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dissidia


      I'm lost as well.

    3. Алексей


      Eh, I have my own reasons for hating it too, but it's more about the engine itself than anything related to it.

    4. TheRedBeast


      every type of hate i see and the reason are well conveniente

  13. this bug of repet post are very thogh geez

  14. finally i have my pc back and a new charger :D

  15. Well my laptop's charger had pass away and I miss Mugen so hard now I work to won money to repair my charger this is a temporally goodbye :(

    1. Noside


      Now that you have a job, why don't you get a new laptop instead of just getting a charger?

    2. Darklight


      if you really miss mugen that badly you do know you can play mugen on your phone or on your console they do have a program that lets you 

    3. TheRedBeast


      i dont wanna lose all of my mugens and is more cheap repair a charger than a buy a new laptop in uruguay

  16. happy birthday skorp i hope youre in good state and more years to come :D 

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