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Status Updates posted by Montblanc

  1. MUGEN is a 1931 video game starring Goku and Wario as they fight the evil Peter Griffin from the Bikini Bottom

  2. If Crash can be in Spyro Skylanders, then Sora can be in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

    1. ArtistofLegacy


      Unless Disney says he can't.

    2. Doomguy


      Montblanc: stahp. Please don't ruin Final Fantasy for me.

    3. Ryon


      wasn't final fantasy ruined with 13?

  3.  The only reason I get hyped when a FF13 event occurs in FFRK is the game's battle and boss theme.

  4. I love Litten because I like how it looks and it's probably gonna remain like that. Pretty much shows how casual I am when it comes to Pokemon.




  5. The more I look up stuff about Litten, the more bad I feel for Popplio and Rowlet... and the more cringe I see from that side of the Pokemon fandom.

    1. Montblanc


      Litten's still pne of the best starters though.

    2. MugoUrth


      Meh, Litten is just going to be a generic stick-figure Pokemon like Blaziken, Infernape and Greninja. No interest. The other two actually have potential to turn into something I might like.

    3. Montblanc


      I think Litten would remain liked and remembered. There is a chance that the fandom would turn towards the other two but with a design like that, at least it would probably still be known for being cute like Torchic and Mudkip if it were ever to lose popularity. I still remember the Oshawott case.

  6. Hey, Dylanius!

    1. Solarflared
    2. Montblanc


      rood! u could of said hi back.



    3. Montblanc


      (But no. Just saying hi because I feel like it.)

  7. Jeez. It's been a year since I played Smash and already I forgot how to play as my mains (Fox, Rosalina, Ness, Jiggly, and Mr game and watch) and the last time I played as Cloud was during his first week of being on the Eshop. I guess a year without Sm4sh really gets into you.

    1. Galvatron


      Yeah you get kinda rusty if you don't play Smash for awhile.. :-P

  8. Hey everyone, let's play a forum game! It's called... Don't talk about MUGEN Archive. What do you do? Simple. Don't talk about it.... I just mentioned it so I lost.

    1. Montblanc


      But seriously. Give it a break.

    2. Galvatron


      Thank you! Now what We should do is focus on helping each other try to re-upload and getting some mugen characters/stages back up for the collections thread.......

    3. StrongestPotato


      okay, instead, let's bitch about Mediafire!, because it does NOT let me download a single thing!

  9. MugenArchive censors MFFA with "< >" I think MFFA should do the same and replace anything mentioning MugenArchive with < > just for fun (and for a passive aggressive revenge)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      Ignoring somebody is the biggest form of "fuck you" you can give to somebody, that is the stance we should give mugen archive by just taking their links off the site.

    3. RicePigeon


      We already discussed this in the staff section. We're not adding a word filter for Mugen Archive. We're only manually replacing download links and thats it.

    4. Montblanc


      I personally am not  against MFFA or MA but seeing my comments mentioning MFFA censored is a huge lol for me. 

      Well, I guess it's better to just take their links down and replace them with Mediafire links if MugenArchive doesn't wanna even think about MFFA. 

      Btw this has a boatload of MA links. 


  10. (I accidentally deleted my status)

    What was your favorite E3 conference? Mine's was Sony.

    1. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *Sony, Crash, enough. Sony wins this year.

    2. Montblanc


      Pretty much. And Crash seemed to have not changed much since his PS1 days aside from graphics and that's how I like it. 

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Because it's a remaster.

  11. Qupzilla is the worst browser ever. It literally always crashes. But the other popular and better browsers are CPU intensive on my computer so I have no choice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Montblanc


      Kupo-po! Yes!

    3. Noside
    4. Montblanc


      Cant wait til he gets added in FFRK and probably FFW

  12. *Knock Knock*

    *Guy opens the door*

    I love you.

    1. Doomguy


      **Blasts person with Shotgun**



    2. Montblanc




      But I love you.

    3. Doomguy



      **Me uses CHAINSAW**

  13. Since MUGENArchive is apparently having a DL issue, should I start uploading my MUGEN characters here instead?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TopKirby8305


      Yeah that place has hissyfits quite a bit don't it?  >.<;

    3. Flowrellik


      it just became a bad place so far. It used to be good to nab a char or stage but since the admins are going bullshit crazy, it's becoming just a horrible place.

    4. Montblanc


      Yeah. I can tell downloads are also getting pretty small ranging from 3 to 12 and if you're lucky, 3 to 30. I've never downloaded much there (But I upload a lot which is probably why the admins respects me there) so I didn't even know all of this stuff. All I know is that  downloads were getting lower.

  14. Came to say hi.


    I like Rotom too. I love it's  evolutions. My friend and I had a good laugh at them a year ago.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      Rotom doesn't evolve though :}

    3. Montblanc


      What are these supposed to be then? rotom_all_by_water_frez-d9zwjum.png

    4. PlasmoidThunder
  15. Japan FFRK  added a bunch of new relics this month. I just started and I have 0 mythril. Living the dream.

    1. Laharl


      idk how JP runs their business but the global version was ridiculously greedy lol be careful.

    2. Montblanc


      I first signed up FFRK Global with 100 mythril so I doubt they're greedy. Maybe moneyhungry like 99& of every other Mobile games.

  16. Liking Cait Sith will get half of the FFVII fanbase triggered it seems.

  17. Ow. My back is killing me, kupo.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Galvatron


      LOL! XD


      ...but seriously man! take it easy on yourself if you back is hurting ya...

    3. Montblanc


      Maybe it's from hunching my back so much. I never had a back ache before so it's weird to me.

    4. Galvatron


      Yeah sometimes it get'cha when you do that especially when you pull a muscle. :-P

  18. Eating Papyrus' spaghetti fills you with determination.

  19. My favorite Pokemon. I like Minun better tho.

  20. Took me a while to figure out how to enable status updates. Well, here I am. I will briefly introduce myself now:

    I am a huge fan of FFTA as you can see by the cute little furry thing on my icon, I am not a MUGEN player. I just upload characters self made (Was non-self made at first) on the MugenArchive. My intentions with signing on to various MUGEN sites is for conversation and to laugh/give my thoughts on unknown characters.

    1. Montblanc


      I also will be willing to look for lost or ignored MUGEN creations and upload them if I find the right topic to do that.

    2. Galvatron


      Cool! Welcome to MFFA Man!


      Glad for you to join the club :goodmood:

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Welcome to Mugen Free for All, Montblanc.

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