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Status Replies posted by Montblanc

  1. Double Team raises your evasion, but can it evade hammers?

  2. "just because Street Fighter Alpha/the MvC series uses simpler sprites and less frames doesn't mean one needs to half-ass the job, as some people can attest to"

    1. Montblanc


      It's sad how some people in the MUGEN community disregard people's efforts in character quality over the simplest things. I mean, high quality custom sprites vs low quality custom (or probably ripped) sprites are something but i've never seen anyone disregard a character's quality over what the source game is often criticized for.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. "just because Street Fighter Alpha/the MvC series uses simpler sprites and less frames doesn't mean one needs to half-ass the job, as some people can attest to"

  4.  The only reason I get hyped when a FF13 event occurs in FFRK is the game's battle and boss theme.

  5. The more I look up stuff about Litten, the more bad I feel for Popplio and Rowlet... and the more cringe I see from that side of the Pokemon fandom.

    1. Montblanc


      I think Litten would remain liked and remembered. There is a chance that the fandom would turn towards the other two but with a design like that, at least it would probably still be known for being cute like Torchic and Mudkip if it were ever to lose popularity. I still remember the Oshawott case.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. The more I look up stuff about Litten, the more bad I feel for Popplio and Rowlet... and the more cringe I see from that side of the Pokemon fandom.

    1. Montblanc


      Litten's still pne of the best starters though.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hey, Dylanius!

    1. Montblanc


      (But no. Just saying hi because I feel like it.)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Currently wrapping up my video for my new stage, I just hope it isn't absolute trash to the community. 

  9. Hey everyone, let's play a forum game! It's called... Don't talk about MUGEN Archive. What do you do? Simple. Don't talk about it.... I just mentioned it so I lost.

  10. *Shall I call my comrades from 4chan to strike Mugen Archive?

  11. MugenArchive censors MFFA with "< >" I think MFFA should do the same and replace anything mentioning MugenArchive with < > just for fun (and for a passive aggressive revenge)

    1. Montblanc


      I personally am not  against MFFA or MA but seeing my comments mentioning MFFA censored is a huge lol for me. 

      Well, I guess it's better to just take their links down and replace them with Mediafire links if MugenArchive doesn't wanna even think about MFFA. 

      Btw this has a boatload of MA links. 


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. *MugenArchive? MFFA? What kind of Civil War I'm missing right here?

  13. *MugenArchive? MFFA? What kind of Civil War I'm missing right here?

    1. Montblanc


      There's a "war" going on with MugenArchive and MFFA and MFG over them enabling adfly for registered users as well as unwarrented bans from users outside of MugenArchive as far as I know. MugenArchive got a little pissed and silently made an update where MFFA is censored as < >.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. (I accidentally deleted my status)

    What was your favorite E3 conference? Mine's was Sony.

    1. Montblanc


      Pretty much. And Crash seemed to have not changed much since his PS1 days aside from graphics and that's how I like it. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Qupzilla is the worst browser ever. It literally always crashes. But the other popular and better browsers are CPU intensive on my computer so I have no choice.

    1. Montblanc


      Cant wait til he gets added in FFRK and probably FFW

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Qupzilla is the worst browser ever. It literally always crashes. But the other popular and better browsers are CPU intensive on my computer so I have no choice.

  17. Qupzilla is the worst browser ever. It literally always crashes. But the other popular and better browsers are CPU intensive on my computer so I have no choice.

  18. Qupzilla is the worst browser ever. It literally always crashes. But the other popular and better browsers are CPU intensive on my computer so I have no choice.

    1. Montblanc


      Firefox is CPU intensive, Opra doesn't support Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey or Adblock.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Reaction to Crash Bandicoot at E3 



    1. Montblanc


      I agree. I don't understand the dislikes though.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Since MUGENArchive is apparently having a DL issue, should I start uploading my MUGEN characters here instead?

    1. Montblanc


      Yeah. I can tell downloads are also getting pretty small ranging from 3 to 12 and if you're lucky, 3 to 30. I've never downloaded much there (But I upload a lot which is probably why the admins respects me there) so I didn't even know all of this stuff. All I know is that  downloads were getting lower.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. *Knock Knock*

    *Guy opens the door*

    I love you.

  22. 2D girls are the best, although 3D still wins because you can actually TOUCH and FEEL them

  23. Came to say hi.


    I like Rotom too. I love it's  evolutions. My friend and I had a good laugh at them a year ago.

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