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About DBScourge

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    The Middle of Nowhere, USA
  • Interests:
    Palette Making, Combo Crafting, Video Games as a whole, Being unfunny

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  1. I think Tekken 7 should be renamed "Tekken Fighter 4". They added focus attacks and "Rage Arts". They are exactly the same thing as Ultra Combos. They are both become active based on the amount of damage you take and are often dogshit when thrown out by themselves. Only real difference the Ultra Gauge in SF4 is separate from the health bar. They could have did Rage Arts like new accessible moves at low health, rather than a combo that will whiff or get blocked 90% of the time. So far the only thing I've seen that looks interesting is the "Screw Attack" system. Everything else I feel needs to be reworked or it will turn into Virtua Fighter where low punch/kick beats all.

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