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About DBScourge

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    The Middle of Nowhere, USA
  • Interests:
    Palette Making, Combo Crafting, Video Games as a whole, Being unfunny

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DBScourge's Achievements

  1. Rouga Zanma by kagetsu yuki 1. Black Rez 2 2. Olive Drab 3. Ken 4. Diamond 5. Hugo 6. Denim Dude 7. Wolverine (MvC) 8. Q 9. Negative Q 10. Shen Woo Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/tRRCCFnmce/Rouga_Pals__kagetsu_yuki_.html?
  2. Alrighty, requests are now available. Tell me the character, what you're looking for (Freestyle ones, Themed, Character-Based) and I'll deliver to the best of my abilities. I have some recent palettes that I haven't posted yet that will be available soon
  3. I think Tekken 7 should be renamed "Tekken Fighter 4". They added focus attacks and "Rage Arts". They are exactly the same thing as Ultra Combos. They are both become active based on the amount of damage you take and are often dogshit when thrown out by themselves. Only real difference the Ultra Gauge in SF4 is separate from the health bar. They could have did Rage Arts like new accessible moves at low health, rather than a combo that will whiff or get blocked 90% of the time. So far the only thing I've seen that looks interesting is the "Screw Attack" system. Everything else I feel needs to be reworked or it will turn into Virtua Fighter where low punch/kick beats all.

  4. Mugen 1.0 is what I am having the issue on and I am assuming State 5900 is a 1.1 thing because this Ryu doesn't have it
  5. The only one that appears is his main white and red palette. His palettes in the .def file correspond with the file names and contain different colors. Here's what I already tried: Checking the "Shared Palette" box on all sprites of the .sff file that share the main palette sheet (via Fighter Factory) Re-saving and renaming the palette files Re-downloading the character entirely Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution for it?
  6. I do enjoy the new look, yet the palettes section is still misspelled

  7. Recently saw the Steam trailer for Skullgirls. I feel very uneasy because Miss Fortune says "Berserker Barrage"

    1. DBScourge


      After seeing the systems of the game, It seems like it is literally just MvC2

    2. Agni Blackheart

      Agni Blackheart

      Yes, most of it you can compare to MvC.

  8. After using Ryu a lot (Warusaki's), is there a reason to not do the Shakunetsu in place of the regular hadouken?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demitri


      It's easier to do a normal hadouken than a Shakunetsu hadouken

    3. Demitri



    4. DBScourge


      For me the Shakunetsu comes out more often

  9. Granted, but you only have 3 months to live I wish I had temporal abilities (Slowing, Hastening & Stopping time)
  10. A Kazuya, King, and Marduk made like Byakko's Jin
  11. You get diarrhea so awful, you begin to defecate bile I wish non-console exclusive games could be played cross-platform
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