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About Yagoshi_The_Yoshi

  • Birthday 05/13/1992

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    Portuguese and English
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    MUGEN, Video games, Comics, etc. THat's all i like to do
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    Saint Seiya
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  1. Srsly. Instead of POTS-ify somebody else, why does nobody haven't made a Don Drago Styled Guile? or a Don Drago Styled Chris and Shermie yet? 

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    2. Gaulbetti


      He made a couple characters that are "4-in-1" styled. I know he made a Akuma, Geese and Ryu and a couple others. Pretty good stuff, not really something you see every day. Haven't tried them in a while so I don't remember the specfics.


      POTS is pretty commonplace.

    3. Yagoshi_The_Yoshi


      Don't forget Ken, Takuma, Goenitz and Yashiro

    4. Darkflare


      For that, we have to analyze why POTS style is so appealing. I'll say in advance that this is mostly theory, but I'm pretty confident about it.


      First, the visuals are pretty pleasing to look at for the most part. Using a super in PotS style looks "cool" especially with the Level 3 portrait. And of course, the super name showing up when you finish a round with it.


      But I think the biggest appeal is the sense of freedom it gives you. While you don't have chains, you do have all kinds of cancels and they're not hard to do. Canceling a normal into a special and immediately into a super is very easy in PotS style and it even lets you blow all your meter in one go if you want to cancel into 3 of your supers. Just to further emphasize this sense of freedom, is the rest of the system. You have EX moves, access to Custom Combo, both step and Run, Standing dodge and dodge roll, parrying and to top it off a power charge. PotS style is a very broken system and it just so happens that said broken system also happens to be "fun". It's a system that feels like it lets you do almost anything and when done correctly still manages to keep the feeling that you're playing that character in it's source game...just a lot more unrestrictive.


      Drago's style is a modified version of KOF 2002's system and doesn't quite offer the same sense of freedom as PotS style. There's no comparison.

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