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~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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About ~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

  • Birthday 01/23/1991

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    Flandre Scarlet#3282
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  1. Heres a fun fact DONT upgrade to Windows 8.1 Why cause theres so Much you cant do I lost My Antivirus oh god it was bad Then my net was gone Then like half of My Mugen Chara would not work........Sooo I had to down grade to 8 again Thank God I did not have to install GC stuff its all back re installed everything again.......Has this Happened to Anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarkWolf13


      Windows 8 was never MUGEN friendly... which is why it crashed so many times on me while I was in Florida.

    3. BrawlTheMan


      It seems to work fine on my Windows 8

    4. ~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

      ~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

      @Darkwolf yes ik And really wow dang that must suck @Legendary yes IF its on 8.1 THEN it does but 8 is fine...

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