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Status Replies posted by Scourgesplitter

  1. I think I ran out of quotes to compare to my life. Oh well........

    1. Scourgesplitter


      Dunno why you would subject yourself to a dull life.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Fuck, I just cannot sleep... Give me a Nagato sex-doll.

  3. Gonna Try my Best To wait out all of My Health Problems Til After xmas if its not cancer, than it wont matter if i wait,if it is Pancreatic Cancer, its Too Far Gone Now after all these Months,And i dont want to be sitting in my house thinking about how this is the last christmas ill spend with my wife and kids, so im going to start back going to doctors in january..... im stillquite sick,stomach is swollen,like pregnant swollen,stomach and back pains,still losing weight even though im eating...

    1. Scourgesplitter


      I would try staring some exercise man, It helps with back pains and energy levels.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. My dad STILL has the same biased image on furries he did years ago. *sigh* parents.

  5. Working On Nick Fury, Definately something I didnt expect to be doing.

  6. Finally decided Winmugen is not for me anymore. Could anyone give me the name of a screenpack for 1.0 that can hold 5k+ chars?

  7. My father is angry, because M.U.G.E.N. uses half of the space, so I am sadly deleting some things D:

    1. Scourgesplitter


      Or you could create a mdeiafire, megaupload account, or 4shared account and you could upload there instead of deleting.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Lopk at my rep. It is amazing.

    1. Scourgesplitter


      Wow I didn't know mods could give you -100 rep in one shot.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  9. So, I decided it will be the Navy, and not the Army, I have to retake my A.S.V.A.B. test, and go to meps, and I'll be Government Property in no time! (Actually, I'm excited to get a good career, and do something good with my life that will benifit not only myself, but my fiance and daughter as well..)

  10. Poll: Do I deserve sleep from running all week going to interviews?

    1. Scourgesplitter


      Sleep is 4 Suckers LLC

  11. Buffalo blue cheese burger...

    1. Scourgesplitter


      Never had one, but always wondered how good it would be.

  12. So uhhm have you guys heard? It's my birthday ... *pukes*

  13. I want to feel afraid. Gimme horror movie titles, man.

    1. Scourgesplitter


      Good on you MarkPachi. Anyhow I really don't find things scary but "VHS" and "Grave Encounters" seemed pretty decent to me.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I just seen some amazing shit..... And let me tell you.... Its going to be AWESOME.

  15. Whats better Google Or Bing?

    1. Scourgesplitter


      if you're looking for Mugen files, then Google.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  16. Guys is it just me or is www.infinitymugenteam.com down?

  17. Last night I had a dream about a real life MFFA meetup. Guess I need to lay off mugen for a bit.

    1. Scourgesplitter


      I don't know what any of you actually look like lol, that was the weirdest part.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. Street Fighter is the fighting game industry's cancer. Yeah, I said it.

    1. Scourgesplitter


      That's a bold statement for one of the originators.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. I am officially done with HD its to much work and I never get time to actually play.

  20. why do they call me The Dark Network just watch and find out

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