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Status Updates posted by Scourgesplitter

  1. Finally decided Winmugen is not for me anymore. Could anyone give me the name of a screenpack for 1.0 that can hold 5k+ chars?

    1. Cayne


      imt blue or red holds 8k

    2. Scourgesplitter


      Aight thanks, this saved me some time.

  2. Pretty Entertaining:

  3. What would everyone like to see me post more of? Characters or stages?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mister Fael
    3. Gaulbetti


      BOTH!!!!!! More importantly, even more shotos.

    4. JokerintheButt


      GOOD AND CRAPPY Characters !!!

  4. Guys is it just me or is www.infinitymugenteam.com down?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scourgesplitter


      hmm i hope we don't end up with a 404.

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ
    4. Galvatron


      I think the site is going through Maintenance. I remember it happen before.... =I

  5. Last night I had a dream about a real life MFFA meetup. Guess I need to lay off mugen for a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Toshio Tenma

      Toshio Tenma

      Having a meeting with MFFA would work if you knew many users and admins in real life.

    3. Zeter-Zero


      It's must have been great! You got to see my gorgeous face after all. Or me in a bugman suit, either or must have been awesome!

    4. Gamer251
  6. Money and good are certainly the best of references.

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