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About Scourgesplitter

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  1. I repped myself until the day Laharl posted not to do it in the status updates. To be fair there was never a specific rule against it, I just did it because i had the ability to do so.
  2. Thanks this version is even better than Lightflare's.
  3. Finally decided Winmugen is not for me anymore. Could anyone give me the name of a screenpack for 1.0 that can hold 5k+ chars?

    1. Cayne


      imt blue or red holds 8k

    2. Scourgesplitter


      Aight thanks, this saved me some time.

  4. A little late but, as you see it has already been done :)
  5. Pretty Entertaining:

  6. [Preview] [Download] [information/Comments] 1)Requested by Diffbok. 2)Created by Gear Saber.
  7. I was waiting for Laharl to answer this but I guess he either doesn't have the files or forgot about this topic. I only found 2. Here's Frost City and Decisive Battle:http://www.mediafire.com/?8s6qnr3h0nk18xk
  8. Welcome and wow, everyone apparently has a lot of respect for you.
  9. [Preview] [Download] [information/Comments] 1)Slight edit of Keith Wayne from Power Instinct Matrimelee with electrical effects. 2)Requested by Magic Toaster. 3)Made by Gear Saber.
  10. Really? Yeah sure I'll get right on it!
  11. [Preview] [Download] [information/Comments] 1)Cheap edit of Kain from MOTW. 2)Requested by ConeHead. 3)Made by MasterFocus and TonyHawks.
  12. [Preview] [Download] [information/Comments] 1)Created by Mono.
  13. Sorry I feel as if I neglected you guys, I've been having exams recently but, that's still no excuse lol! Don't worry about it Thrillo I'll have it uploaded soon
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