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Dark Storm

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Status Updates posted by Dark Storm

  1. Ok guys my Pc is oficially screwed, dont ask why but i'm gonna use the library for my time here.

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      mmm porn, full of virus lmao j/k,sucks man

    2. Ryon


      why is it screwed? what chu do?

  2. Bored, Tired, and have a damn ache in my throat :'(

    1. Ryon


      what were you doing last night? Ehhhh??

    2. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      I was at the mall and movies XD

  3. Does anyone know what is happining to a PC if it lags so much that you have to turn it off and on?Like it wont open you'r web broweser and if you get on it lags like hell.I would apreciate the help.

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      it sounds like u need a cleaner program , i use system mechanic pro, worked miricals when mine starts lagging like a turtle

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      i need an updated system care

    3. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      And also there is like a serius audio problem that makes it not work :/

  4. Anyone think the apocolypse is coming?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Octavia Melody
    3. Toxic
    4. SandCoffeee


      eventually it has too the universe cannot continue forever under these circumstances

  5. Just watched the sickist video on the internet.I dare you to ask.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryon


      1 guy 1 jar

    3. Darklight
    4. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      Laharl guissed corect.And Ryon I heard bout 1 guy and 1 jar, and im never gonna watch it.

  6. Still waiting for money so I could go back to online gaming...

  7. If gravity didnt exist, then would tacos exist?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      okay this is getting...alkward

    3. MugoUrth


      Nothing would exist but what bolted to the ground.

    4. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      Ryon why do you feel the felling of the spear through the chest?

  8. I wonder what the world would be like withought money.



      we wouldn't have computers,video games,tvs, everything

    2. Ryon


      no we would.

      I'd have 10 more pig's then you did.

    3. Dark Storm
  9. Im suprised that the fact that so many people are regestered here, yet they do nothing.

  10. The laptop well be mine in the future.Just you wait >:D

  11. Can't wait for Max model to be released for WinMugen >:D

  12. I just now found this but Laharl you may or may not kill me. http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/1952280

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Websta


      When I see sankakucomplex. I think hentai

    3. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      Wow.So many people coment in under 50 minutes

    4. Laharl


      next time you want to post that please mark it as nsfw. as for the image itself its canon now due to the new series.

  13. Finally got my wii remote workin again biotches >:D

  14. Almost time for those report cards to come home and I am getting a new laptop SUKAZ!!

    1. Liberty Prime

      Liberty Prime

      Will it come with intel processors? If so, then RAAAAGE (because my Acer desktop uses AMD athlon 2 (I dislike AMD))

    2. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      I think it does.Laptop im gettin gonna be 500$ .I'm gonna play terraria all night!

  15. OMG my PC sux!!!It cant play TF2 serverz D:

  16. Must get more freinds on teh Wii system!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      :sad: why not?

    3. Kanbei


      i dislike brawl online play.

    4. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      lol.Y u hatin on brawl? :troll:

  17. OMG I don't wanna go back to school >:O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Storm
    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      You don't know how many times i said that...LMAO

    4. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      Everyones comenting here XD LMAO

  18. I now know why Neo likes VG cats.GO LEO!!!

  19. Happy New Years everyone!!! :D

    1. RyGuy176


      Happy New Year to you too, although I'm in Canada so it's still 2012 here

  20. Terraria went back to 6.69.I feel sorry for the people who are bout to buy it now.

  21. Gettin my heat back on today :D No more cold!

    1. Demitri



  22. Holy fuck I found Cruz Excham's avatar on newgrounds and well i cant tell what i saw :3

  23. one more day till christmas.Wonder how everyones gonna celebrate..

    1. Liberty Prime

      Liberty Prime

      For this year, wake up, wait until past mid-day, be allowed to open presents then eat dinner later.

    2. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      Im gonna beat up a hobo open up whatever pears under my tree play video games get drunk off of cola then sleep (probably not sleep XD)

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