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About AxSeeker

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    I'm going to devote my time to following the GOD of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the GOD of Israel - formally known as Jacob or a.k.a. LORD YHWH and his only begotten SON, Yashua the anointed meshia, a.k.a. Jesus Christ. In case I lost favor here, just gonna say goodbye everyone. I enjoyed my time here. i hold no grudges and wish all of you well. Bye Bye.

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  1. leviticus 18:22

    Never have sexual intercourse with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.


    Genesis 9:13

    13I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth. 14Whenever I form clouds over the earth, a rainbow will appear in the clouds. 15Then I will remember my promise to you and every living animal. Never again will water become a flood to destroy all life.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      I think I'll stick to facts rather than beliefs, thank you very much.

    3. Nick
    4. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      @AxSeeker  No offense to you, but take it from a fellow believer, be careful with what you say to others. Everyone is different and with different people come different beliefs/lifestyles. I've seen that verse get used and abused far too often, and the way some of these extremists put it you'd think they was talking about something not of this world, absolutely disgusting. In the end we are all human beings, and at this day and age it's best just to be mindful and respectful of others beliefs. Personally, my actual family consists of gays, and atheists, as well as my circle of friends. The same goes to everyone here, regardless of who you are you have my respect, I'll never guestion your beliefs, you have your reasons, and that's good enough for me. If I angered or offended anyone, you have my  sincere apologies as well. 

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