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About AxSeeker

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    I'm going to devote my time to following the GOD of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the GOD of Israel - formally known as Jacob or a.k.a. LORD YHWH and his only begotten SON, Yashua the anointed meshia, a.k.a. Jesus Christ. In case I lost favor here, just gonna say goodbye everyone. I enjoyed my time here. i hold no grudges and wish all of you well. Bye Bye.

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  1. leviticus 18:22

    Never have sexual intercourse with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.


    Genesis 9:13

    13I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth. 14Whenever I form clouds over the earth, a rainbow will appear in the clouds. 15Then I will remember my promise to you and every living animal. Never again will water become a flood to destroy all life.

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    2. AxSeeker


      I noticed a user wearing an avatar (rainbow) in support of gay "rights" and i felt like responding to that with the truth.  The rainbow is originally a symbol for GOD's mercy and not actually a symbol for gay rights. They perverted it like they perverted everything else.


      Isaiah 5:20

      Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      Really? I always thought rainbows were the result of reflection, refraction and dispersion of light, rather than a representation of the mercy of a fictitious entity.

    4. AxSeeker


      You got a lot to learn LOL

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