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Status Updates posted by Ultiɱℯciɑ

  1. *peeks in the latest 5 new releases threads* Welp *leaves again*

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. djhero35


      aw shit nigga

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Dangit Cici! Stop playing with my emotions! Post some pics in the Who Are You Really thread. ;)

    4. Kanbei


      Where on earth have you been your fans missed you.

  2. I feel lost not being able to use the "View New Content"...

  3. What's up guys? It's good to be back

    1. llyyr


      yup, i am waiting for Ryon to get home and do an tutorial that i requested him

    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      I think i dont know you....But yeah is good to be back!

    3. RAMza


      ^ ulti is MFFA's princess.. :D


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      Shark Bait Hoo Haha... means... the fuck if i know i just love Finding Nemo..... Welcome Back Ulti!

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Lol! Welcome Back 8)



      Welcome back!!! post some more.

  5. Just stopped by to say I'm going to travel to Europe (yeah, AGAIN) this Tuesday and I"ll be back by July 26-27th. Not sure if I'm going to find any internet so see ya!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy
    3. Laind


      I knew the character of this game are quite rare, the graphics and resolution.

      If you can help me I will thank, Valvatorez.


    4. Laind


      Fiquei sabendo que é brasileiro.

      Somos 2!

      Eba, não sou o único :S

  6. My next door neirbour got a hobby that requires hammers. Which means he spent one entire afternoon hammering AT THE ROOM NEXT TO MY BEDROOM. Couldn't concentrate to work. Fuck

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sweetfire13


      You cannot appreciate the beautiful symphony of banging hammers together, I feel bad for you my child.

    3. DELETED


      You should get the amount of fucks needed to tell him to stop.

    4. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      I did

      The GOOD thing when I did is he stopped doing so at the mornings (including weekends)

  7. New collection : JUMP Super/Ultimate Stars ->

    1. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      sketchy, but i seriously doubt it. i mean, think about it sis: tha vast majority of mugen is based off of gankin' shit from others xD.

      also, how many actual "legal" files can be said to truly be on any online file storage/sharin' site? i know tha shit i had on my MU account wasn't too much leanin' in tha legal zone, lol

      [smut FTW!!!]

    2. Agni Blackheart

      Agni Blackheart

      I agree with Alpyne. I mean, for the government, all the flies posted on Megaupload are illegal, so we have more chances of not recovering these files.

    3. Ryon


      like the article says, i'd feel sorry for the bastard who has to go thru each file to find out whats legal and whats not. I Hope mugen files are unlocked. We could still save the mugen community!!...............Agian!

  8. So my mom is crashing at my place. And in top of that, the lights went out yesterday night +_+

  9. Alright! Got all stuff I need to update JoJo and MegaMan, going to do it tonight. (maybe JoJo first, WAY less stuff)

  10. -> still like the original PS2 opening better (P4 the Golden opening)
  11. Spent the afternoon with my mom and the doggies. My parents are better than I expected, and Lily is a bit depressed. Daisy is as always.

    1. DELETED


      And we do care.

    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      luv for ya sis.

  12. Goodbye, my dear Penellope. Thanks for making me a better person

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. O Ilusionista

      O Ilusionista

      oh, sorry to hear about it :(

    3. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy


      :( sorry bout ur loss :(

    4. NeoGeoKitsune


      my deepest sympathies =(

  13. No news on Penellope yet. It's almost 2am and I don't think I should call, but...Damn

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      i always go buy in these types of situations human or animal.... no news is good news =)

    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      That's what I usually say

      But anyway, even through I had called after the procedure, it's going some hours for her body to process and we know if it's a success or not. The thing is, I'm too nervous to go to sleep (5am)

  14. My mom just called. They are applying anesthesia to Penellope right now for a emergency surgery. I can barely stand up. She's my 14 years-old labrador, I'm not ready to lose 2 dogs 2 years in a row

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      hope everything comes out ok Ulti

    3. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy


      hoping for a speedy recovery ulti

    4. Darklight


      iam sorry i feel the same about my cat he is 16 years old and althought he pisses me off at times he all the family i have and the only one who truely care about me wouldnt no what i do if i lost him

  15. R.I.P. Robin Gibb. You'll be missed

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      The vocalist of the BeeGees. If you don't know who they are, try Stayin' Alive.

    3. LordSesshomaru85


      He'll stay alive in our hearts may he rest in peace....

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      There's only one left now...

  16. Daisy stole and ate my 3 weeks-old slippers :/ Can't let my guard down for one single second +_+

    1. RAMza


      ...thats why shoe racks were invented.. :P

    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      I was wearing them

      And she steals stuffs from inside shoe racks, wardrobes and over the tables. She's a natural thief :p

  17. My grandma baked me a cake. The cake is a lie. My grandma makes cakes since I was a little girl. This means... My granny has been feeding me with lies my entire life? D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy
    3. RippleRollerDa


      I hate to break it to you, but yes.

      I'm so sorry D:

    4. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooOOOOOOoooo! <o>

  18. Internet + phone problems solved! For now (I hope)

  19. My internet is dead, as my phone line and I got no idea when I'm coming back. Using my mobile 3G ATM

  20. Operation 3-Hit-Combo completed and it was a huge sucess. Surprise element was in my favor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      3 Mother's Day gifts for a tough nut to crack mom.

    3. RAMza


      flowers,cake and a card?


      PSVita,Memcard and Blazeblu?


    4. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Flowers (mini-roses in a box), The Tudors Season 1 box and Game of Thrones Season 1 box.

  21. Breath of Fire IV manga ending is even more cliche than the game's, but it was cooler

  22. Early this morning my poor Daisy felt into the swimming pool. Thanks Lily, who cried until my mom woke up my cute 'lil blondie is unharmed and happy as ever ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. von_doom20


      Glad she's ok

    3. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      She's OK and in a great mood too. But now it's late and she's at her doghouse, sleeping :p

      Well, at least she's clean now

    4. von_doom20


      A clean pup is always a happy one lol (Assuming she IS a puppy)

  23. This is for you, Larry ---> http://i49.tinypic.com/zv4k21.png

    1. Laharl


      158px-Krichevskoybust.jpg that doesn't look brown to me? lol
    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Not my image, but I second that

      It's purple-ish

    3. Laharl


      yeah so idk where they got it was brown.

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