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Mister Fael

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Status Updates posted by Mister Fael

  1. Kisaragiryuto's site seems to be down, but you can still use wayback machine to get the mega links in it.

  2. Another japanese website is closing its doors. Just noticed this right now when I checked on 9's site.



  3. Seems like Yahoo Japan terminated their file sharing service.


    BIG F

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      So that's what it meant by the links expiring on this date. I though it just meant the uploader would need to refresh the links, RIP.

    2. Cook4251
  4. Ayy pal! Happy B-Day!

    1. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      Thanks, man. I do miss seeing you around.

  5. All he had to do was to post on the correct boards...

  6. A toast for a toast! happy b-day!

  7. Hey man. If its not too much trouble, can you provide an alternate link for the Shun'ei in this baidu link? https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhLKvZa

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Actually, nevermind, Mr.Giang provided an alt link already.

    2. Kihara Masato

      Kihara Masato

      Oops I was busy lately, sorry for not being able to help out.

  8. Let's see how long this will last until the next breakdown

  9. For how long are we getting this message? http://prntscr.com/kmvi9w

    1. The Auditor
    2. IDGCaptainRussia


      It was a huge ordeal for the Free For All, be glad your getting this message now rather than buggy saturday downtime

  10. After almost 10 days, more videos.

  11. Orie shows up, a rocky gets crushed and a guy keeps having deja vus no matter where he goes


  12. A bunch of videos

  13. Is it me or some pictures are breaking?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kater15


      For me, my icon is ok, but I'm seeing some broken icons as well.

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      I'm noticing it too. In fact my own picture is broken.

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      Yea avatars are behaving weirdly. 
      The tech is seeing to the issue at the moment.
      The site migration from bluehost is still in its final stages. 

  14. After the clone apocalypse that was actually just unmoleboxed characters, here's more videos.



  15. Oh hey look! Two "princessbitch" accounts.


    https://prnt.sc/k28ibu https://prnt.sc/k28hw4


    Is today the day official "Making Internet Alts" day or something? Sorry, but I can't help but laugh.



    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Ha! I know, one of them thinks that i'm Dissidia, it's not making me scared...it actually makes me laugh ?

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I know, I was mentioned there as well. I'll neither deny nor confirm that claim, I'll just keep watching this "show" until he gets banned.

    3. Dissidia


      Next thing you know, queenbitch suddenly registers.

  16. After a while, here's some videos 



  17. Some videos again

  18. More videos and two bloopers as well


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