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Status Replies posted by JTDaddy17

  1. Happy birthday, Shantae! Expect a massive update for the half-genie hero this summer!


    1. JTDaddy17


      Seriously man, I'm pumped about this update! And I'm looking forward to updates of your other characters as well!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. 2017 in 3 words: Sonic Mania, baby!!!

    1. JTDaddy17


      Sonic Mania and Freedom Planet 2 for me! 2016 for me was Shantae Half Genie Hero!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I'm sorry for not releasing my stuff yesterday, I'll release them today for 2 hours.

  4. Prepare yourself for my new mugen stuff which will be released for at least 2 hours! I hope you'll get a hype :P

  5. I have finished Sash Lilac! (kind of) 

    You can test her if you're interested!

    After testing she'll be ready for release (But next year in January).

    Also I need your help guys.

    I'm working on a screenpack but I need someone to help me with Font making and other stuff. I know how to make fonts and other stuff but I just can't work on everything so I need some co-operation. Send me a PM if you want to test my character or join me in creating a screenpack.



    DuckSS Farm


    1. JTDaddy17


      I know you might release her soonish I take, but can I have her beta? I would love to get Sash Lilac in my MUGEN game! :)

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