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  1. Who the fuck came with the idea of using hard paper as album covers in Japan


    I just accidentally spilled some water from a vase and it soaked some of my albums partially


    Luckily the CDs are still intact... the only damage done was the edges of the album that was soaked and made the paper slightly faded

    1. Zzyzzyxx


      You mean, cardboard?


      Well, LPs always had cardboard covers before CDs were a thing.

    2. DuckMannnn


      Yeah... hard paper, cardboard, processed wood, whatever lol
      But if you check out my dad's CD collection... he has around +100 and 90% of them were covered by a glass frame
      Does using glass as a cover increases the production price or something? Considering that the CDs I got were made by underground artists like Nujabes and my dad had stuffs from the Beatles and etc.

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