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  1. Is Xuan Dou Zhi Wang worth playing? I needed to play something KOF-esque and not MUGEN but their rip-offed characters and Chinese vocals are seriously turing me off


    1. DuckMannnn
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I don't think we can play that game anymore.

    3. A person

      A person

      You'd honestly be better off just playing KoF instead as that game, from what I've seen and read, is basically just KoF Online where all 6 characters are a different player as opposed to it being two players using 3 characters, so you'd have to hope that the people you're with are good with their character. Besides that, it's also a pain in the neck trying to get it to work if you're not in China. I went through an entire process, even made a verified account, and I still wasn't able to play it since it wouldn't install properly.

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