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Lord Batros

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About Lord Batros

  • Birthday 01/12/1980

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Georgia....... Go Dawgs! Sic EM! 2021 National Champs !!!
  • Interests:
    my little one's Lilly and Joseph Jr, & Football[ Lamar County Trojans,Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Falcons and BaseBall the Atlanta Braves
  • Games:
    Red Dead Redemtion 2 ps4
  • Animes:
    Too many to list lol

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  1. Guys i wont be on here for a while, my dad passed away this morning close to noon so my mom is going to need me & i need to take my time to come with the terms of this.......just do me a favor if u still have a Dad in your life, good or bad, hug him and tell him you love him, because i cant hug mine ever again

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Laharl


      im truly sorry but considering my father ditched me after i was born i could care less what happens to him.

    3. Zaibatsu


      My dad ditched ditched Death and I so I only had my Grandpa who was like a father to me too bad hes gone now...

    4. Darklight


      wouldnt care if my pass in fact i hope he will however i hope my grandmother does not ill miss her more then anything

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