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Lord Batros

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About Lord Batros

  • Birthday 01/12/1980

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Georgia....... Go Dawgs! Sic EM! 2021 National Champs !!!
  • Interests:
    my little one's Lilly and Joseph Jr, & Football[ Lamar County Trojans,Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Falcons and BaseBall the Atlanta Braves
  • Games:
    Red Dead Redemtion 2 ps4
  • Animes:
    Too many to list lol

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  1. my son's 1st Bday is the 19th, after that is over the followingmonday im going to check myself into the hospital, im getting even worse,my stomach and back both hurt now, im having awaful gas,still tired 24/7 been told by another doc its not cancer, but i dont want to risk being in the hospital for my little boys 1st Bday party so im going to wait it out, but im really very sick, ive always maintained it was cancer, and i still fellthat way

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      nah its not the big Constipation, i dont have a gaulbladder so not pooping isnt a problem lol



      feel better....and happy 1st bday to ur son. :)

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      I keep you in prayer, bro. You're a true soldier. Hang in there...for your family.

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