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  1. hey people, does anyone know how i can get the vs screen from another screen pack into my cvs3 screen pack? cause my vs screen is nothing but a now loading screen

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    2. Gaulbetti


      It makes a little sense...


      Fighter Factory is a very simple to use program that helps simplify many creation aspects of Mugen... And Gimp is a graphics software or something like that.


      You have to go into the screenpack's sprite file, the system.def with Fighter Factory, and view it's sprites, and then replace the sprites of the VS. screen, and put the other screenpack's sprites in. I assume the index you use for the first screenpack, the one which is getting a replaced VS. screen, will be identical to the sprite index used for the screenpack the new VS. screen sprites are coming from. You also have to copy the coding of the VS. screen from the other screenpack.


      I think Gimp is used to create your own sprites... Which I don't think is needed for this actually.

    3. uaguilar


      ok, wow, you make a lot more sense, thank you for real.   ok so i opened fighter factory, on top clicked on sprites button, then open, then found and opened my system.sff file.  so how do i find where my vs screen supposed to be at on fighter factory?  i appologize for my noobness

    4. Gaulbetti


      You kinda just have to search randomly until you find the Loading screen.

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