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  1. Like
    Ori-Ori got a reaction from Astolfo2001 in My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh.   
    Now he has three super forms. Three!
  2. Thank You
    Ori-Ori got a reaction from Astolfo2001 in My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh.   
    Yeah, the whole franchise really needs a break.
  3. Thank You
    Ori-Ori got a reaction from Gaulbetti in My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh.   
    Yeah, the whole franchise really needs a break.
  4. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Arcadium in Is it me or is DeviantArt Eclipse unusable? I'm saying this because I can't use the s   
    Ugh, I can't get around using Eclipse. I'm glad it's optional since it would a pain to use after like 9 years of using the standard DA format
  5. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to The Auditor in Thoughts on the new Yandere Sim update: P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S. Why would I want to join t   
    Can't believe you were a fan of Yandere Simulator at all, must've been a miracle for you to snap out of this whole thing....Yandere Simulator is not even a good game to begin with, so why even keep playing....just let the whole thing die in flames and hope it'll rot like the corpse burning in hell
  6. Like
    Ori-Ori got a reaction from The Rocking Goomba in Thoughts on the new Yandere Sim update: P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S. Why would I want to join t   
    I can't believe I was a fan of him. I hope his white knights snap put of it. 
  7. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to The Rocking Goomba in Thoughts on the new Yandere Sim update: P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S. Why would I want to join t   
    "You don't have to work on the first rival if you just constantly add stuff to the list of things you "need" to do before"
  8. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to The Rocking Goomba in Here is my standing animation I made for my OC (original character, as it stands for)   
    I don't know much about animation. But what i will say is that this isn't very well animated.
    For one, the animation seems way too fast, and the left arm and zipper shrink in size during parts of it. Which is not good.
  9. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Mister Fael in Jesus, the new layouts of Twitter and DeviantArt are horrible. New layouts are trying   
    There are sites that have a mobile version and twitter even has an app.
    Having the main site being mobile friendly sounds backwards.
  10. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to The Auditor in Jesus, the new layouts of Twitter and DeviantArt are horrible. New layouts are trying   
    If you mean trying too hard to fail miserably then I can agree with you there
  11. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to DXfactory in Jesus, YouTube is getting worse. I'm thinking of moving to Newgrounds and Dailymotion   
    At this rate, I am surprised YouTube hasn't already crashed and burned, considering the amount of backlash it is getting from randomly locking and banning channels due to "copyrighted" content which isn't actually copyrighted.
  12. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Gaulbetti in After playing a bit of Smash Ultimate, I feel like replaying Brawl and 4. Why? Becaus   
    They still did not fix lacking Single Player modes.
    Pretty sad.
  13. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Lillie's 音MADs in It's shitty how Capcom is adding ads to a fucking non-mobile game. This is goanna be   
    Ouch. Well, now I have another reason to stick to SF IV.
  14. Sad
    Ori-Ori reacted to Astolfo2001 in RIP Stephen Hillenburg, creator of Spongebob Squarepants. https://variety.com/2018/tv   
    My childhood has just got ruined by this sad news. 😰😪😭
  15. Thank You
    Ori-Ori got a reaction from Astolfo2001 in Well, looks like YouTube Dashboard got a major update. Which means I'm stuck with the   
    Still. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
  16. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to RicePigeon in 0/10. Too much plagiarism.   
  17. Haha
    Ori-Ori reacted to Mister Fael in "Wait a second, are you Black???"   
  18. Haha
    Ori-Ori reacted to Mister Fael in What would a Touhou cinematic universe be like? I wonder...........   
    If 2hou had a cinematic universe, the next fighting game would be just like mvci
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Flare-Gamer-64 in The "Sad Claps Effect" - The act of taking a regular M.U.G.E.N creation and adding co   
    The "Retard infection" - A toxic gas that makes clone of anyone it infects. The character who comes in contact with it won't experience side affects themselves, but instead parts of their DNA will be cloned and later will compose a clone of the character who was infected. However, the clones are unstable. Clone's can ether be slightly functional to outright messes. The poorly constructed ones are usually given the label of "PGRS111MAGEN". Since they change colours and shape so rapidly. Squads of high profile characters are often used to take these clones out. This act is known as bashing. And is very popular, for better or worse.
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
  23. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Xiristatos in ...The Szechan sauce riots at McDonalds. Anyone heard about that lately? Or, even bet   
    Oh no, that wasn't a direct response to you, Weiss. My "no, absolutely not" answer went to the very first set of questions made by Pluscross... I've never seen one of those and probably never will. I'm pretty sure this fandom is fucking stupid enough to still flip their shit over a matter as insignificant as a motherfucking sauce.
  24. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to Xiristatos in ...The Szechan sauce riots at McDonalds. Anyone heard about that lately? Or, even bet   
    No, absolutely not. These retarded riots have only proven that the Rick & Morty fandom is far worse than the FNaF and Undertale (read: Sans) communities could ever be combined. They're at least generally harmless and wouldn't take their obsession with something to such infantile levels as this (namely, pushing an actual company to fulfill their idiotic demands).
  25. Upvote
    Ori-Ori reacted to SSBKing65✯ in Here's something I said to Shimmering Brony regarding cartoon characters in M.U.G.E.N   
    There's characters who never even fight but people still created an original moveset for em, like some original and inanimate object characters, and non fighters like Captain Falcon, who's moveset was made up just for Smash. And it worked very well. As long as you have the creativity anything's possible, especially in Mugen. It's neat seeing other characters become fighters with their own unique movesets.
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