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Status Updates posted by xXPGlitz236

  1. That was weird.

    Well at least this website is back.

  2. Seeing how a lot of content has changed. (And my content)

    I even updated my MUGEN website


    I also have a more ordinary like website


    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Is all the Sumin-esque stuff gone then? I certainly couldn't see it anywhere.

    2. xXPGlitz236


      Mostly removed. since its kinda old at this point.

    3. PlasmoidThunder



      More links to update in the collection then.

  3. im not suprised there isnt a SSBU final destination for MUGEN


    1. xXPGlitz236


      These characters: Lucas, Shadow Android, Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles: Are all created by me

      While ness is an edit of SM853's

  4. Just testing some of my skills by the use of Flash (Since i finally gotten used to a lot of cluttered sprites + Tweens)


  5. Heres something special
    Its a sprite hack. I also added the SNES color patch in
    But i did not add in the Voiceless patch

  6. I now present the normal modes vs Evil modes duking each other out



  7. Because there's a Homebrew port of Super Mario Land

    I didnt just swap the sprites (Except some one enemy) but also modified so its a little more like the Homebrew Port (As i noticed it doesnt really have much of the hud)

  8. I kind of find it hard to believe the AI i coded can beat some MVC EOH template AI
    (Even though i still suck on AI coding)


    1. Gaulbetti


      Real cool video.

  9. Its been a long time for me to post something here.
    Here's something i kinda worked on for some project (I only have 2 characters recreating that pesky mario's gameplay by ermacwon)



    1. xXPGlitz236


      Keep in mind certain characters shown on the roster will not be in that project (Pesky Plumber Project) Except that Mario and Luigi i created

      Each character i plan to create will use that (I believe) fighting style by Nobody the dragon

      I would not mention any mario character or whatever that does not have that type of fighting style by said author (Nobody the dragon)

      Anything about that super fx: I didnt code it as i actually had to borrow the code from ermacwon's mario to recreate the style + the sprites (Most of them). Reason why is: I cant code some super fx like that. Only using simple animations for super fx stuff but not like utilizing helpers + angledraw and angleadd stuff.

  10. The Mother 2 Quad release Video

    Lil bonus: try setting the language to japanese (Youtube itself)

  11. A Mother 1 + 2 (And 3) Battle (Turns)
    Now with a screenpack that mostly resembles Mother 2 (Earthbound)


    1. xXPGlitz236


      Note: The lifebars and Screenpack are not finalized 

  12. The trio of Mother 1 release (Trailer) video


  13. I wasn't expecting my Lucas to beat this one's AI


    1. xXPGlitz236


      Same can be said to K.Y Shanxi's Ness (not my favorite version of him tbh)

  14. A couple of Spritesheets of Earthbound/Mother characters i created

    Few havent gotten much progress but its still a thing

    Mother 1





    Mother 2




    Mother 3


    Claus (Lucas' Older Twin Brother) (Fact i did find a claus sprite sheet that looked... way to similar to lucas + recolored)
    Masked Man
    Theres no Duster or Boney yet (Nor maybe a couple other characters)

  15. Havent been posting things for a few weeks :P

    Heres a 3D Battle




    I've kinda decided to edit SM853's Ness as well. (He doesn't have ai in closer aspects despite the commands are there for activation)

    and This Lucas: I actually heavily edited Deathnintendo's Lucas + Some newer sprites (With a couple other additions)


    1. xXPGlitz236


      and I may have plans making the other kids of Mother/Earthbound (That also kinda means the Earthbound Beginnings as well)

      Also My Lucas (Currently v1.2)


  16. A recreated title screen of some sort.


  17. I got smash bros ultimate 2 days ago and it was really good (despite the loss of some content like trophies and other content removed (etc.)

    i have not unlocked all of the characters yet.

    1. Darkflare


      Change the language after every new challenger.

    2. xXPGlitz236


      Does this mean i have to keep on changing the language each time to get a new fighter?

      (EX: English to Korean, Etc)

    3. Darkflare


      Changing the language bypasses the 10 minute cooldown, the only requirement is having the amount of player inputs made. You can pick any language to change to.

  18. Doesn't it feel strange that.
    Sometimes you have the sudden guts to do something (Basically you want to do it in the inside) but you are lazy on the outside (I sometimes get this)

    even when I stood up late sometimes it still occurs for some reason

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkflare


      It's not strange at all. Happens to everyone.


      You'll understand when you're older

    3. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      Wanting to do school works be like....

    4. xXPGlitz236


      Sometimes it just happens or it occurs randomly

  19. Something about these 2 versions of fighter factory

    The issue i got on Fighter Factory Studio: Saving those .ffc files and loading them somehow is empty (Note: I am using the 64 bit version).

    Fighter Factory 3: Sometimes the text has some black boxes or just has a big black background (Im unsure where this comes from :P). Tho its not that bad when trying to load them

  20. A 4v4 battle of the Sumin Imitators i Created

    Note: the other 3 kids from Mother 2/Earthbound (Their sprites were done by me)

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