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About Otasira

  • Birthday 05/23/1993

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  • Location:
    Auburn, WA
  • Interests:
    Both traditional and CG art, OST's, Games

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Otasira's Achievements

Platinum Boss

Platinum Boss (12/20)

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  1. I took my computer into the shop and they said there's a possibility that the mother board could be fried. Which means that all my progress will be destroyed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Otasira


      I hope so.. he did mention a recovery option, but the price to save the data was around $100. If I am to lose it, I'll pick up Chie Satonaka as a WIP. I'll talk to him more about this next time I head to the shop. Thanks for the info, I mighty appreciate it.

    3. Darklight


      also here some info in case your hard drive crash and is nothing more then just a door stopper there is a way to recover your data off of it its called data tranfer and yes there is a way to do it your self but its a process or you could take it down and have them do it for you

    4. Noside


      Ugghhhh i could save your data using a Linux Ubuntu auto-boot for free, shame i don't live in your hood, good luck on your character.

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