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Status Updates posted by Ryon

  1. Beckoning in the deepest darkest places of my mind.... "What would happen if i just nuked the forum one day on PURPOSE!?!?" 🤪

    1. Noside


      You know Ryon, you are such a good friend, a brother and will always be the BOSS around here man.

    2. Demitri


      Implying all the other times were accidents? 😏

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Well for starters you'd save me an insane amount of time and a lot of money.

  2. Sooo.... in 1 word I want everyone to tell me what i've missed?

  3. Call me old fashion but.... I kinda like where youtube is going. There are SOOOO many shit users out there, I miss the way the youtube community used to be back in 2006. We actually had a youtube mugen community which were people who werent on a forum, and then you have the forum people who didnt have youtube accounts. Times were great.

  4. So it seems everyone is alive. Welcome back everyone.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Same can't be said for just about everyone's avatars.


      ...And basically everything in October.

    2. Galvatron


      Yeah thanks. at least everything seems operational.. glad to be back. :-)

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      The sad thing is...MFFA was unavaliable for Halloween.

  5. Yooooo!! Dragon Ball Super 59. Holy shit Zamasu got deleted! Ahahahhahahahahaa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryon


      Yeah I NEVER expected him to literally go and HAKAI him like that. I mean... holy shit. But I suppose since Zamasu was able to wish for immortality he was able to negate the destory Beerus did to him. OR multiverse theory.

    3. gui0007



      Yep, literally deleted. XD

    4. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      The crazy part to me still in all of DBS is that Zen'O' is kind of, well... supposed to be G0d.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ryon


      When you say drop do you mean when they are diving to new stages? or the switching part?

    3. Laharl


      I mean switching. you will no longer be forced to switch you can do it when you want too. Thats what I read anyways.

    4. Ryon


      ahh yes that was FREAKING ANNOYING! Middle of a battle and all of a sudden you fall back and go to the next person.. ARRGGHH

  7. Do you guy's wanna download free video game music? Please click here so that I may be able to download music. You can to of course. http://downloads.khinsider.com/?u=1602444

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryon


      ok no soup for you Doomguy.

    3. Doomguy


      I am soup.

      And you are the download links.

    4. Galvatron
  8. I feel like being more active now that, this is not my forum. Strange how the feels work.


    1. gui0007
    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      MFFA For The Win, Yo!! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

  10. New character being released soon. You shall love it.

  11. Welcome Back Everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- MFFA For The Win. Yo!

    3. Big Fella

      Big Fella

      Wahoo! It's up and running once again!

    4. Akram


      Again ready to kick ass!

      Again ready to kick ass!

  12. I see the forum is still dead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cayne


      Fucked us ova

    3. Flowrellik


      I wish there was a fix for this plz....

    4. Galvatron


      we can't do anything till RMH comes back.. :-P

  13. Everything is dead, Until RobotMonkeyHead upgrades the community suite.

    1. Galvatron


      Got it! I know RMH is still dealing with his PC troubles but hopefully he be back with us soon.  :-)

  14. I think this is a song everyone should listen to! Its from a Mobile game, but it has the feeling of a EPIC Console RPG game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4DElb9c1u8

  15. Everyone there seems to be a BIG SNAFU regarding all topics and posting. I will investigate this with RoboMonkeyHead and find a answer. As of now older topics have been archived, and can not be posted in, but you CAN make new topics.

    1. Moltar


      How long do you think old topics will return to function normally?

    2. Алексей


      Ryon, check the staff area, foo!

  16. The forum is currently being Archived. Because of our huge size this will take a much longer time. I will speak to our headmaster regarding this.

  17. The Mugen Police can't stop me! Nothing can stop me and PZT!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noside


      Mugen Police, reminds me that shit in MIL.

    3. Laharl


      Ryon are you ok? lol

    4. TotalDramaXtremist


      Suddenly bringing up PZT wasn't so random after all...........

  18. EVERYONE! STOP FUCKING SENDING ME "CONTACT US" REPORTS! ABOUT THE CHATROOM! I am aware, I can not fix it anymore because I am not the admin. RobotMonkeyHead Will fix it when he gets back he is temp. away.

    1. Doomguy


      The trolls have spoken; Chat must be fixed

  19. To all the users who contacted me via Contact Us button, Asking to get rid of the limit in the chatroom, and to fix the issues. The chatroom is a addon to Invision Power Board, and it actually requires payment to be active. I did not pay it recently. As for the issues those come and go randomly but I assume this time they are related to the license expiring. So before you go complaining to me about not being able to get into the damn chat room, how about you consider donating to the site so I can keep everything up and running?

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey Yo! How's It Goin! It's the CoolAnimeHustler Once Again and I Made a $5.00 Donation to Help the Site! More Fun And More Action For All! MFFA for the Win, Yo!

    2. DuckMannnn


      Wish I could donate but sadly I'm still in middle school so I don't have a credit card to donate yet

    3. Galvatron


      Don't worry Boss start this coming friday me and RoboMonkeyHead is going to start supporting this forum on a monthly bases so everything be all good Yall. :goodmood:

  20. Huh, I updated the forums, but the Theme didn't go crazy like last time?

  21. Forum Update on the way guys! Prepared to have your eyes poked out because the theme is gonna get messed up!

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! XD

      Uh-Oh! EVERONE TAKE COVER!!!!........

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