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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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I have a few issues regarding mugen characters overall, obviously this doesn't apply to every character, but a vast majority of them seem to have these kind of issues that just infuriate me.


1) Many characters suffer from MISSING, BROKEN or IMPROPERLY SIZED avatar sprites in the 9000,0 and 9000,1 data. Essentially, a lot of characters have sprites that seem to be SCREENPACK/GAME specific, rather than versatile and able to be used with nearly every screenpack available.


2) Many characters suffer from poor coding or have coding files set up in a way that they become excess crap in terms of cleaning up folders. Like for example, a LOT of characters have this issue where in the DEF files or just the folders in general, everything is named in a series of random symbols and gibberish, making it quite obnoxious to have to sort out whether files are needed or not. To add onto this, a lot of characters come with excess .TXT and image files that have no purpose for being in the folder to begin with. Like... why can't people just put their config files as .cns as intended instead of .txt, I mean, obviously this isn't a severe issue, but when I want to run a massive folder clean and remove files that I don't need or shouldn't need, I then have to slowly sort out all the config and text files for what actually makes the character usable.


3) Many characters suffer from a lack of creativity. I get it, creating entirely new sprites is a massive pain in the neck, but the least anyone could do is not re-color a character, give it some kind of fancy name, then we all come to find out that the character is literally the exact same as another, just renamed and re-colored. Like... why? Look, if you're not skilled with creating a character, then please don't create one. The amount of broken or improperly advertised characters I have downloaded by now is in the thousands because people go on like Mugen Archive (and sometimes here, or well, they used to do that here anyways) and create a "new" character, give it some kind of eye-catching name like "God Rugal EX" and then you download it, clean up any small issues, and play it, only to find out that it is literally just God Rugal, but they gave him a blue coat instead of a red one.


4) I hate that a lot of characters still have NOT been updated from WinMugen to 1.0 or 1.1, like come on, I would like to be able to have all those janky Super Fighter character (ya know, that one bootleg Taiwanese ripoff Street Fighter game) in my roster. 

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I hate it when a character has music attached to their coding, so it overrides the stage music. I've found a number of characters over the years that basically force a specific music track over any other sounds, meaning whatever I wanted for that stage or that character is now a moot point.

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