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Youmu Konpaku WIP

Nep Heart

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 Next character in the works is another one from the Touhou Project and just so happens to be my top favorite among the entire series, the 12th WIP will be the half-ghost swordswoman of gardening. My aim this time is to make a character who is a rushdown-puppet user hybrid, however, I can't reveal her Unique Ability yet as I haven't even started on it... but I already have a definitive idea on what it'll be. In a similar vein to Sayaka, she'll be incredibly fast, but compensated by a low life value and, as a matter of fact, will make her the second frailest character among my creations up to date.

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Oh, she's definitely going to be a lot of fun for beginners and experts alike, Youmu's probably one of the characters I've wanted to make for MUGEN the most, the others being Haruhi (who I've done already) and Madoka.


Youmu's progress has been almost as fast as the character herself, I'm kinda surprised in my own self that I've managed to get this much done in 2 and half weeks.




 Possible touch of death combo, although it's a bit execution heavy and does require hitconfirming Thousand Cherry Blossom in the corner.




 Since she has two level 3 supers, she'll only have three level 1 supers as opposed to the traditional four to five that I normally do per character.




 Also, just started on Myon, Youmu's Unique Ability, a few days ago which functions a lot how it did in Hisoutensoku. However, all but Medium's Bind are limited by a special gauge that takes 6 seconds to recharge to full before Youmu can use Myon again. Medium's Bind, being separate from the Myon gauge, instead has a 4 second cooldown per use and the ghost half will follow the opponent if they are hit by Medium's Bind. Overall, this Unique Ability will gear Youmu towards an unusual blend of a rushdown/puppet fighter hybrid.

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