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Sumireko Usami (ULiL Sprites)


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Ay, she's just perfect, you really outdid yourself with this one. Every single move you gave her is just spot-on (though it's a bit sad her 3D Print Gun didn't find a place in here somewhere), and the sprites are as fluid as they could be. Hell, not even any bugs have been found on my part (though that doesn't really say much, given that I merely look at the overall characters in-game rather than check their coding thoroughly).

You're absolutely wonderful at re-creating RicePigeon's style into these HM/ULiL style characters. That's gotta be your regular thing!


Ay bruh I swear, you'll be my favorite breathing person thing ever if you were to make Shinmyoumaru Sukuna (You know, that super-tiny purple-haired lad-in-the-bowl) in your style as well! I mean... if that's okay for you of course.

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1 hour ago, Xiristatos said:

Ay, she's just perfect, you really outdid yourself with this one. Every single move you gave her is just spot-on (though it's a bit sad her 3D Print Gun didn't find a place in here somewhere), and the sprites are as fluid as they could be. Hell, not even any bugs have been found on my part (though that doesn't really say much, given that I merely look at the overall characters in-game rather than check their coding thoroughly).

You're absolutely wonderful at re-creating RicePigeon's style into these HM/ULiL style characters. That's gotta be your regular thing!


Ay bruh I swear, you'll be my favorite breathing person thing ever if you were to make Shinmyoumaru Sukuna (You know, that super-tiny purple-haired lad-in-the-bowl) in your style as well! I mean... if that's okay for you of course.

Eh, thanks for the compliments...


Shinmyoumaru was actually the first character from Touhou I was gonna make, but I couldn't think of many moveset ideas at the time... I could actually try again another time.

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Alright so did some testing, and I'm going to assume you're trying to emulate the style of my characters, so I'll be writing this feedback with that in mind.


  • First off, in her cns file, you're going to want to change these values:

    fall.defence_up = 50

    liedown.time = 60

    Fall.defence_up should be set to 0, otherwise OTG combos and combos done on opponents bouncing off the ground apply an additional 66% damage proration, which shouldn't happen. Liedown.time should be set to 11, as 60 keeps them grounded for way too long and from my own testing, 11 is the minimum value accepted before you start running into issues with unwanted hardcoded invincibility, which shouldn't happen either.

  • Crouching HP is typically reserved for the character's tripping attack, of which Sumireko has none

  • Like the above, most of my characters (save for Yuuka) typically have a universal overhead command move, usually either F+MP or F+HP depending on the character, with some exceptions.

  • Sumireko's width and hitbox size tend to be inconsistent, especially during her walk back animation, which can cause P2 to "snap back" when making contact with her.

  • I'm noticing a lack of a damage dampener/proration values on her attacks.

  • The juggle system still uses Mugen's default, rather than setting flags for each attack to ensure it can only be used once per juggle.

  • The frame advantages on hit and block on some of her attacks feel off. For instance, s.LP is +2 on hit, but a whopping -10 on block. Likewise, c.MP I've seen do up to +13 on hit and +5 on block at close range, which can easily be abused for a corner infinite if timed right.

  • Her trajectories on her airdashes feel off. Typically the character should go in an upwards arc before sinking due to gravity, but here, Sumireko starts falling the moment she starts an air dash.

  • Speaking of dashes, forward ground dashes are supposed to give a boost in velocity for the first two ticks, then slow down to its usual speed. Sumireko doesn't do that.

  • s.HP's projectile is classed as a melee attack, which causes all sorts of fun with certain character's counter moves (by fun I mean cloning issues).

  • Misaligned hitsparks on j.MP and j.HP, which also have the same issue as s.HP I mentioned above.

  • Urban Psychokinesis doesn't seem to have any discernable differences between the LP, MP, and HP variants

  • All of her projectiles don't have any hurtboxes, so they can't properly interact with other projectiles such as beams.

  • Sumireko's throws don't have any throw escapes coded into them.

  • Lack of negative edge detection on Special & Super commands

  • Since you're trying to emulate my style, know that grounded Normals (and grounded attacks in general) cannot be airblocked, while aerial attacks cannot be blocked while crouching. Projectiles have no blocking restrictions.


Will post more as I find them

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Ay, so I tried her out in the Arcade mode, and one thing I noticed is that you can't actually change her palette and Lv. 3 spellcard at the beginning of any next match after the very first one. It's not too much, but with RP's characters you can do exactly that... I mean, since that's the style you're going for, I felt like this was worth pointing out... I guess.


Still, nice work regardless.

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