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Bowser Jr updated (Bugs and glitches fixed)


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Hello everybody! Apparently i got a few complaints......ok a LOT of complaints, seems i should work harder

on my characters :/

Anyway, i took some time to fix the bugs that people addressed. Hope the fixes of bowser jr is what you guys wanted.......

Bowser jr is offically updated V1.1


List of bugs fixed:


Damage Dampening added (I should do this from now on or else my characters are damn cheap)

Combo moves

Added a little finishing touch to speeding dizzy shell....

Added hitbox to flame barrage

and other stuff that you guys shall find out......



Get them from my website: http://diamondawesomeness.wixsite.com/mugencharsandstages


R.I.P his clone 


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Oh hey, you fixed the standing MP -> standing MK infinite, added that hitbox to the fire attack and added that damage dampener. Good job. However:


- I can still chain stronger attacks into weaker attacks (like say, MP into LP), and bounce between them multiple times. Even though the damage dampener makes a crouching MP -> crouching MK -> repeat combo take a long time, it's still an infinite. My advice is to find any instance of a stronger attack chaining into a weaker attack, or being able to go between two buttons of the same strength and fix it like what you did with the standing MP -> standing MK infinite.

- Another thing I discovered, sorry I didn't bring it up before, Bowser Jr has no lows or overheads. Low attacks (usually the crouching kicks) cannot be blocked while standing, and overheads (the jumping attacks universally (except for JLA Task Force for the Genesis, but that game blew lol), but sometimes command normals can have this property) cannot be blocked while crouching. This makes it really hard for him to take out a turtle, and since his dad is the king of the turtles, it's rather embarrassing for the little guy.

- Another thing I neglected to bring up, but the throw is pretty bizarre. The paint brush seems to have a vaccuum function, and when it's over the opponent just randomly teleports into the air and falls down. I know throws are bitchy to code, but this throw could use a little touching up.

- The feet for some of the kicks really don't mesh well, but that's more of a spriting issue then a coding issue.


Keep it up :D

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2 hours ago, BrawlTheMan said:

Oh hey, you fixed the standing MP -> standing MK infinite, added that hitbox to the fire attack and added that damage dampener. Good job. However:


- I can still chain stronger attacks into weaker attacks (like say, MP into LP), and bounce between them multiple times. Even though the damage dampener makes a crouching MP -> crouching MK -> repeat combo take a long time, it's still an infinite. My advice is to find any instance of a stronger attack chaining into a weaker attack, or being able to go between two buttons of the same strength and fix it like what you did with the standing MP -> standing MK infinite.

- Another thing I discovered, sorry I didn't bring it up before, Bowser Jr has no lows or overheads. Low attacks (usually the crouching kicks) cannot be blocked while standing, and overheads (the jumping attacks universally (except for JLA Task Force for the Genesis, but that game blew lol), but sometimes command normals can have this property) cannot be blocked while crouching. This makes it really hard for him to take out a turtle, and since his dad is the king of the turtles, it's rather embarrassing for the little guy.

- Another thing I neglected to bring up, but the throw is pretty bizarre. The paint brush seems to have a vaccuum function, and when it's over the opponent just randomly teleports into the air and falls down. I know throws are bitchy to code, but this throw could use a little touching up.

- The feet for some of the kicks really don't mesh well, but that's more of a spriting issue then a coding issue.


Keep it up :D

Alrighty then thanks for the feedback but that was my first spriting attempt, it wasn't as good as I thought >_<

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