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Shana (updated 6-27-16)


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In order to change the position of the meters in the bottom, you need to adjust the explods in the following StateDefs in the cns files:  6003, 6004, 6010. Look for the following Explod blocks in the corresponding StateDefs and adjust the value in bold. Depending on your resolution, you might need to adjust the second number next to the bolded value. Just continue to fiddle around with until you're satisfied. To adjust the horizontal positioning of the Awakening bars you will also need to adjust the first two numbers after the "TeamSide = 1" part. The first number is the position of P1 side and the second is P2.


Just a reminder, this is to adjust the position of the bars of my DBFC characters and adjusting the ones for Senna and Homura are slightly different. For those two, just follow the same steps as before with the exception of StateDef 6004, as both Senna and Homura don't have that particular StateDef, so you only need to adjust the positions of the Explod blocks in StateDefs 6003 and 6010. 


StateDef 6003



[State 6003, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = Time = 0
id = 6022
anim = 6022
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,34,282),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,227,167)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = 1

StateDef 6004



[State 6004, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = IsHelper(6004)
trigger1 = time = 0
ID = 6040
anim = IfElse(Teamside = 1,6040+Random%3,6050+Random%3)
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,62,257),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,227,168)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = 1


[State 6004, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = IsHelper(181)
trigger1 = time = 0
ID = 6060
anim = IfElse(Teamside = 1,6060+Random%2,6070+Random%2)
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,62,257),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,227,168)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = 1


[State 6004, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = IsHelper(6080)
trigger1 = time = 0
ID = 6080
anim = IfElse(Teamside = 1,6080+Random%2,6090+Random%2)
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,62,257),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,227,168)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = 1



StateDef 6010



[State 6010, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = Numexplod(6010)=0
ID = 6010
anim = IfElse(Teamside = 1,6010,6011)
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,5,314),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,238,178)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = 1


[State 6010, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = NumExplod(6012) = 0
id = 6012
anim = 6012
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,6,313),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,235,175)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 0
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = ifelse(teamside=1,1,-1)


[State 6010, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = NumExplod(6013) = 0
id = 6013
anim = 6013
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,70,248),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,228,168)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = ifelse(teamside=1,1,-1)


[State 6010, Explod]
type = explod
trigger1 = NumExplod(6014) = 0
trigger1 = var(4)
id = 6014
anim = 6013+var(4)+3*(var(4)>6)
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,3,316),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,229,169)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
scale = 0.5,0.5
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
ontop = 1
facing = ifelse(teamside=1,1,-1)


[State 6010, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = NumExplod(6030) = 0
anim = 6030+Var(1)
ID = 6030
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,113,190),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,238,178)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
scale = 0.5,0.5
ontop = 1
ownpal = 1


[State 6010, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = NumExplod(6031) = 0
anim = 6030+Var(2)
ID = 6031
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,119,196),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,238,178)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
scale = 0.5,0.5
ontop = 1
ownpal = 1


[State 6010, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = NumExplod(6032) = 0
anim = 6030+Var(3)
ID = 6032
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,125,202),ifelse(1.0*gamewidth/gameheight<1.34,238,178)-(20*(var(0)))
postype = left
bindtime = -1
removetime = -1
scale = 0.5,0.5
ontop = 1
ownpal = 1



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Shana has been updated. Mainly bug fixes and balancing.


Shana v1.1
- Fixed error where certain opponents wouldn't block any of Shana's attacks (notably in training mode)
- Blazing Heart damage increased
- Infernal Blade damage increased
- Fixed error where Judgment's buff would persist in the next round if you ended the previous round with the buff still acitve (the remaining time of the buff would carry over)
- Blaze Wing hit pause decreased
- Red Lotus/Crimson Rose hit pause/hit stun decreased, aerial version can no longer cancel to other attacks upon landing
- Red Lotus AP charge increased, AP consumption while in Awakening increased
- Cancelling window from Blazing Flame into applicable EX Drives increased
- Blazing Flame start up increased, fixed error where it would be unblockable at point blank range
- Fixed error where certain attacks were able to cancel to other attacks after landing
- Wilhelmina assist cooldown increased, damage increased, removed shadow from bandages
- Fixed error where some voice clips during victory poses were being omitted
- Added time over/lose animation
- Adjusted hit sparks
- Special intro with Sennou-Room's Kirito added

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Shana has been updated once again. Normally I don't like to do small updates, let alone back to back ones, but sometimes exceptions are fine too. Especially when it involves the overall fun factor of the character.


Shana v1.11
- Aerial version of Red Lotus can now cancel to other attacks upon landing, provided the attack isn't blocked or whiffed

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