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Human controlled character suddenly becomes AI Controlled



Hi everyone,


Hope you won't mind helping me with this question. About a week ago, I downloaded a character from this forum named Valmer Rugal from this forum page.


It was working very well in training mode and I could perform all the moves on my keyboard until a few days ago when it suddenly became AI controlled and automatically started fighting the moment the training match began. I do not understand what happened or what I may have pressed accidentally that has caused this to occur. I've tried re-installing the character from the original zip but it is still AI controlled. I am currently using Mugen 1.0. Can you please advise on how I can make this character human controllable again?

Thank you for the help. Best regards!

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4 answers to this question

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Its not necessarily that he changed something.

FOR YEARS, this has happened randomly, and its usually for characters with high level AI. they just break out and take over the character.

The only cure for this is to figure out which AI trigger is taking over. which is impossible.

Also judging from the names of the characters in that list. All of them are super Over powered and cheap, and those are the ones that would most likely break out and play for you.

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One of AI activation commands is a usable command, or you changed something in ai controller (example: Command "AI" = a,b,z,x,s,c,z,U,D,a+b+c, this is a impossible command to do for a player, if you change this the character start the AI when you do the command).

In mugen 1.0 tha AI controller is the "Ailevel >= 1", if AI level is >= (higher than or equal) 1, he enter in AI mode.

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Its not necessarily that he changed something.

FOR YEARS, this has happened randomly, and its usually for characters with high level AI. they just break out and take over the character.

The only cure for this is to figure out which AI trigger is taking over. which is impossible.

Also judging from the names of the characters in that list. All of them are super Over powered and cheap, and those are the ones that would most likely break out and play for you.

Hi Guys and thank you so much for answering my question!! It is greatly appreciated! WOW. I never knew this could happen randomly. Glad to know I wasn't going crazy or pressed the wrong shortcut key. I was reading the Mugen instructions over and over again about the ctrl + I, ctrl +1/2 thinking I might have switched something on by accident even though I never touched either button. Would it be possible to restore the character to user controlled functionality if I downloaded a new Mugen 1.0 and then re-extracted the Valmer Rugal to the char folder and re-inserted him into select.def file?

Thank you again for taking the time to help me with this issue!

Best regards and have a great week!

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