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100% Original Character - Aliskor by Unglued Player

Unglued Player

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I chose the name "Aliskor" for my character because it reminds me "Alaska", he is an E.T. and people always talk about UFOs kidnapping people in Alaska.
I made this Character alone when I was 14 years old. I always had fun playing M.U.G.E.N, so I 
decided to learn how to create my own character. I learned alone how to use the tools, I 
created all the sprites, the character and the moviments. I know everybody here can make a 
better work but I'm here just to show you what I did.
This Video shows my Character:
And the link to Download the Character is in the video description. Just click to watch the video in YouTube and go to the description if you want to get it.
I am working in new original characters, they have a better quality, but I think this Character was essential for my evolution.
Hope you enjoy my work! 
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A lot of hitsparks are misplaced. Look at his fist/kick and then the hitspark and fix it. You have to look for the sparkxy parameter in the Hitdef.


I haven't tested it yet, I just looked at the video. Tomorrow I can write a list of things you could look into.

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While you're waiting for Alex/G.O.D. here to list you some things you need on your char, here's my list of what's needed in terms of fixing:


-Like he mentioned, there's mis-aligned hitsparks. However, it seems like all of his attacks (including his specials) have mis-aligned hitsparks.


-Some of his hitboxes (or blue CLSNs in this case) forgot his head:



-Speaking of Hitboxes/CLSNs, It feels a bit weird that his teleport has no hitboxes at all.



-While it's weird that his specials took away a small amount of meter, I don't really see a point of including that feature if it gives back a small bit of it anyway.


-If you timed it right (and hope that his Double punch doesn't interrupt), he has the walking jab of doom. If you don't know what that is, it's essentially an infinite that involves walking forward for a bit and press "LP" while your opponent's still in a hitstun state.


-Idk if you read up on how juggle limit works, but:


This is pretty much how many hits I got in before the juggle limit kicks in. Maybe lower the counter to not make it feel like an infinite? I'm aware that it's recoverable, but still.


-His specials and supers are missing some sounds.. which would be alright, but they feel kind of empty when it's performed.


-This is how much damage is done when I did his Barrier super up close and in the corner:


(Again: recoverable, but even then it took quite an amount of damage for a lvl 1 super. Almost like it shared the same damage as a Lvl 2 super)

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Rize, you thief, stop stealing my job! drdoom.gif


Okay, now, being serious, here's my feedback:

- he can't do his standing medium kick (s.MK) (like he should), instead he teleports; you may want to change the input so it isn't "b" like the s.MK (like b+y, for instance); you could also make it so that he uses some power, and so that he can't use it when he hasn't that amount of power: follow me.

In the .cmd:

[State -1, Teleport]
type = ChangeState
value = 702
triggerall = command = "Teleport"
trigger1 = (statetype = s) && ctrl 
this is your changestate command: in the trigger1 add

&& power >= 500; this is the amount of power I chose for him, you can choose any value, as long as you change the other settings accordingly
so it will look like this:

[State -1, Teleport]
type = ChangeState
value = 702
triggerall = command = "Teleport"
trigger1 = (statetype = s) && ctrl && power >= 500
and in the .cns search for state 702 (your teleport state) and edit the poweradd at the start:

poweradd = 0
yours is at 0, so it doesn't use nor give power; when you want to add power use a positive value, when you want to subtract power

write a negative value;

so for my example I'll use 500 point of power:

poweradd = -500

I just noticed you don't have a standing medium kick animation, but the states and the commands are still there. You should add his medium kick (make a new animation, add a Hitdef etc.), because he has medium kicks when crouching or jumping, so it looks kind of weird.

- Almost all of his attacks have the same properties, only with different damage; try comparing crouch light kick (c.LK) with crouch medium (c.MK) kick and crouch strong kick (c.SK);

- like I mentioned before, all of his/its hitsparks are misplaced; check all of the hitdefs in all moves and change the sparkxy values;

- he has the command for the throw, but he/it doesn't do that. You could remove that if you don't want to have a throw;

- all of his projectiles (Down, Down Forward, Forward, any punch) deal the same damage and behave the same way; also they give back power so write these two lines in the projectile: (givepower gives power to the enemy, getpower is for your character)

givepower = 0,0
getpower = 0,0
he can also use them whenever he wants regardless of the power he has; the poweradd in the state is -100 so go to the .cmd and find the changestate:

;Magia x
[State -1, Magia x]
type = ChangeState
value = 999
triggerall = command = "Magia_x"
trigger1 = (statetype = s) && ctrl
and add

&& power >= 100

in the first trigger so he/it cannot use it without 100 points of power.

- His/its supermove, as Rize mentioned, deals a lot of damage! It also gives back power so like before write getpower=0,0 in the Hitdef of the state 1002. The hitsparks are also misplaced here.

- All the collision boxes are terrible. Read the docs and look at how they should be done.

- No intro, no winpose, no lose pose;

- only one palette.

If I can find something else, I'll update my post.

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Alex S.

When I created this character I didnt know how to use this sparks (and I dont know now too), but you gave me a good explanation and I think I can fix it.


I did just one palette because I don't like to play with different palettes =/, but I will change that in the new chars if you guys like that way.

The teleport doesn't adds power and doesn't loses because it doesn't do to much things too, so I don't think it would be good to change the poweradd


Yes, I agree with you, all the attacks have the same properties, I will try to fix that in the next characters but I am considering that a very difficult task. I will do my best to make them different, thanks a lot for this advice not just in the damage, but can you give me some tips about that?


Yes, I didn't know how to make the projectile stop adding power to my character, I fixed that, Thank you!


Yes, thing about using the projectiles all the time without power in the projectiles was terrible, thank you a lot, I was going to make the same mistake in my new chars without your coment. I fixed that


The CLN boxes are a real problem, I' not good at doing them and I try to do it manually but I know there is a better way because the way I do they are very inaccurate. I will try to find this docs and tutorials about how they should be done.

He has a winpose =/ its the sleeping animation, for the next characters I will do the 3 poses you mentioned






Thank you for noticing me of the hitbox, but I remember that when I created them they used to desappear sometimes and I had to create them again. I think they desappeared again. I fixed that 


I am looking the hitbox problem now and the blue hitbox became green in some animations, thats why they are missed, can you explain me why this happened?


The teleport has no hitboxes because its like in dragon ball, when someone is really fast and the enemy hits just an image in the air, thats what I intended to do : /


As you said I dont know how juggle works, I started reading about that, I will take a look at that juggle in LP and update it as soon as possible 





Thank you for moving my post, but I thought I've posted it here, haven't I?






Thank you all!! I am doing new characters now and I dont want to make the same mistakes so your feedback is very important to me. (I hope you understand everything I said, I am from Brazil and I am trying to communicate without the google translate to practice my english XD)


I will keep uploading the new versions on him and changing the link to download

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