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(I don't think my host will allow me to upload a file of this size. I need to remake my site eventually anyways.)

This demo contains 4 characters and 12 stages. I'm open to any and all feedback and hope you enjoy what I've made so far. :)



Disclaimer: If you want to use my stuff, I can't stop you from doing so, but I do request that you give credit where it's due.


Name: Naruto: Ninjutsu Zenkai Cha-Krash Revamped! (NZCR)

Author: Alexei Roschak (Алексей)

Source: Naruto: Ninjutsu Zenkai Chak-Krash (NZC)


- Most effects were made from scratch, by me.

- My Beta Testers: (While not mentioned, all testers did actual testing :P)

- Umezono

- The mastermind behind the new gameplay system and my most in-depth tester.

- Quickfist

- He's in charge of making the awesome palettes you see.

- Laharl

- He's also in charge of making the sound packs in terms of voices.

- Watta

- Comic relief... (Just kidding, man. You're just as important XD)

- Genesis

- Master of graphics, he's in charge of the quality controls of the stages.

- Daniel9999999 for helping to fix my stupid Pause Screen Bug.

- Odb718 for helping to fix my strange platform bug.

- Namco

- The Nostalgia Critic and Angry Video Game Nerd for their hours of entertainment and distraction from the monstrosity that is NZCR.



- I started this project about 4 years ago when I decided that I REALLY liked the look of the new NZC sprites that were ripped. My first target was Sasuke who was meant to be a single character and nothing more. He was my favorite, but then I realized that I kind of liked Sakura too. So, then Sakura was made. Soon after Naruto was made. You can see where this was going. So, I decided to turn it into a full game and at first partnered with Laharl and SXVector. But, I got greedy and saw that I didn't like the direction it was going. I took it upon myself to go solo from that point on. 4 years later, I'm still working on it. Now, you may be asking why. This is because I'm an unhealthy perfectionist. As my standards rise over the years, I can't help but go back and redo the stuff that looked and or played like crap. Anyways, enough rambling. Onto the gameplay.



- NZCR has been re-imagined in terms of style and gameplay. Thanks to my Beta Testers, we've gone over this thing with a fine toothed comb to weed out as many bugs and make the game as real-feeling as possible. Gameplay is quite simple, but has important mechanics to it:

Using a three-button layout, each character has moves mapped to motions combined with A, B and C. A is for light attacks, B for medium attacks and C is for heavier and more specific attacks. Each character has 3 specials and supers. Here's a more in-depth breakdown.

Stationary Commands: (These moves have air-equivalents)

A - Light Attack

B - Medium Attack

C - Heavy Attack

Directional Commands:

Hold Forward/Backwards + A - An attack that usually propels you towards the enemy. This varies per character though.

Hold Forward/Backwards + B - An attack that complements other moves and can be linked into or used as a combo finisher. With Sasuke, his Shuriken can be used as a combo-extender.

Hold Forward/Backwards + C - A special attack that is character-specific. Pein uses his Shinra Tensei, while Sasuke uses Chidori Nagashi.

Hold Down + A - A move that can sometimes be used to trip the enemy. It varies per character.

Hold Down + B - A move that can also be used to trip the enemy. With Pein, it can lift the enemy off the ground for combo follow-ups.

Hold Down + C - For each character, this move is their Launcher. With some characters, the character themselves will go into the air.

Specials using Fireball Motions: (Specials are unique for each character and can't be explained generally.)

QCF/B + A - Special 1.

QCF/B + B - Special 2.

QCF/B + C - Special 3.


QCF/B x2 + A - Super 1, requiring 1 bar of chakra.

QCF/B x2 + B - Super 2, requiring 2 bars of chakra.

QCF/B x2 + C - Super 3, requiring 3 bars of chakra.


While not a real feature of gameplay, you can Pause the game at any time by pressing the "Start" button.



Guard Break:

- Guarding is something that has to be taken a little more seriously here. Do it too often and you'll be punished for it. While guarding an onslaught of normal and special attacks, an internal gauge decreases. When it gets to a certain point, your guard will be broken and you'll take 100 damage for it. On top of that, you're completely vulnerable and will fall to the ground.

Kawarimi Substitution:

- To the left of your portrait in the lifebars, you'll see a curved orange bar. Over time it will fill, allowing you to use Kawarimi Substitution when it's full. Pressing A, B or C after being hit by a normal or special move has you teleport behind the enemy for following up with a move. This is perfect when your guard is about to be broken.

Chak-Rush Mode:

- To the bottom right of the portrait, lies a small orange orb in the lifebars. Over time, an internal timer will rise and when ready this orb will light up with a pulsating flame. This means that you can activate Chak-Rush Mode. Pressing and holding any combination of two buttons, your character will charge their chakra and spawn an aura around them. This lasts for 600 ticks and gives the character a specific passive ability. The ability gives the character an edge in combat, but should be used sparingly as you are still not invincible during this time. For example, Sasuke gets a huge increase in his speed and can even more quickly combo you. However, the enemy can still fight back, though it might be harder than usual. Doing this will drain all of your chakra and you will not be allowed to use supers while it's active.


- Pressing A a series of times will allow you to auto-combo. This shouldn't be relied on only, but it can make for some interesting combos. Strings of A, B and C work the same way, but require a little more skill to use than auto-combo. Having this said, you can do more unique combos by combining normal combo strings and auto-combo.


- This internal mechanic will allow you to combo up to 11 times before the combo is dropped. Knowing this, your combo strings should end with a Special finisher or Super to get the most out of them. This applies to juggling as well as moves performed normally, on the ground.



Each character will come with an optional English soundpack. Courtesy of Laharl, this is very easy to change. For the character you want, open their .def file and looks for a line that reads "sound = ." You'll notice that there sound files look something like "character_nzc.language.snd." Simply change "language" to "en" and you're good to go. If you want it as Japanese, then just change that "jp."


Known Bugs:

[o] - Sasuke can sometimes create clones of himself that disappear, but it happens very rarely. This might have been fixed already.

[o] - Pein's rocks are unblockable when coming out of the ground for his Level 1 Super.

[o] - There's a strange bug in platforms where sliding on them will very rarely cause you to stand in the air.

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you select deidara in game and that just comes up? IN THE DEMO?

Yes,Another char work normal only this`s one.


Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by that. What other screenpacks did you use him in? Also, how much RAM do you have?

Problem came from your char not my PC,Please fix it.

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Dude, if it was happening to me, it wouldn't have released as is. How am I supposed to recreate it? Does it happen upon loading the character? Do you get to the intro? What? I need some details? I asked about your computer because it might actually be that. No one else has reported this to me... so it's obviously not me. Now please, some details.

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Can you explain the process to get the error? For example:

1.) Start mugen.exe (OK)

2.) Get to main menu (OK)

3.) Select training mode (OK)

4.) Select Deidara (OK)

5.) Select Enemy (OK)

6.) Select Stage (OK)

7.) Round one loads (OK)

8.) Intro done (OK)

9.) Tries to use C4 (ERROR)

Something like this would be very helpful.

Edit: The thing is, the only thing that changed on the screenpack has been a font. The stage select font. That's it.

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Can you explain the process to get the error? For example:

1.) Start mugen.exe (OK)

2.) Get to main menu (OK)

3.) Select training mode (OK)

4.) Select Deidara (OK)

5.) Select Enemy (OK)

6.) Select Stage (OK)

7.) Round one loads (OK)

8.) Intro done (OK)

9.) Tries to use C4 (ERROR)

Something like this would be very helpful.

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It works for me. :P




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