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Why is the Wiiu hated!?


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As it says, give me your piece of mind. My info. I have no idea but lately I have heard nothing but complaints about the Wiiu online, oh sure Nintendio is hated, yet Microsoft and Sony will make a new consles and they'll be high praised. I don't get why people just complain about games nowadays, they kill the fun out of em.


Well the Wii U is just a little less gay then the Wii.


Nintendo just seems to be making shit games meant for kids and not real gamers. Sure there were some great games released for the system like Zelda and SOME Mario games but all in all theres just been SHIT for the Wii. All games that belong on mobile devices. Not on a consol. 


You can start NOT failing as hard as you have been by maybe releasing more then one Zelda an Smash Bros for one system. Making us wait till you make a next gen consol to release or even start making a new game was just a stupid and retarded idea from the start.


Also, Quit doing this motion controller shit. Its stupid. Gamers want to game, Not care about trying to figure out how the numchucks or Wii tablet work in a game.


Stop fucking failing and releasing bullshit for 3rd graders. And go back to you're roots and release M rated titles. 

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in the Sony Fantrools mind :







Sony Fantrools Suck 

pretty much anytime someone talks about "graphics" they don't know what they are talking about.

i played mugen, and someone said "oh that has bad graphics." i'm sorry mugen couldn't be another shitty first person shooter sir.

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He was talking about  why 3D World is hated, not 3D Land. I liked 3D, but I don't want to pay more money to play a game I've already played.

Oh I know, I was just saying maybe that's why they didn't like 3d world.

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Well the Wii U is just a little less gay then the Wii.


Nintendo just seems to be making shit games meant for kids and not real gamers. Sure there were some great games released for the system like Zelda and SOME Mario games but all in all theres just been SHIT for the Wii. All games that belong on mobile devices. Not on a consol. 


You can start NOT failing as hard as you have been by maybe releasing more then one Zelda an Smash Bros for one system. Making us wait till you make a next gen consol to release or even start making a new game was just a stupid and retarded idea from the start.


Also, Quit doing this motion controller shit. Its stupid. Gamers want to game, Not care about trying to figure out how the numchucks or Wii tablet work in a game.


Stop fucking failing and releasing bullshit for 3rd graders. And go back to you're roots and release M rated titles.


Wait is that what you are saying or what you heard from people? Either way just WOW..........


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I only agree with the Wii having a "meh" lineup of games. Due to its lack of power compared to its rivals, it received crappy ports, not cross-platforms. Other than probably Undercover, all the Need For Speed games were awful for the Wii; even the exclusive Nitro was terrible (though apparently it was IGN's "Best of E3"...?). I don't, however, agree with the "kiddie game" stuff. Yes, Mario has been rehashed to death, but there were three (five, depending on your point of view) Metroid games released for the Wii: Prime 3, Prime Trilogy and Other M (yes, I went there). Also, Mario Kart is the most hardcore shit. Also, do remember that good franchises don't have to be "burly 'n' bloody FPSs" to be enjoyable, and they don't need to be released thousands of times on the same console with virtually nothing changed. So long as the games are awesome, I don't care if they only release one-or-two of one franchise on the same system. Unfortunately, it would appear that F-Zero, the most badass racing game of all time (next to Big Rigs, of course :P ) was not present on the Wii, and perhaps will not be on the Wii U, either :( The 3DS is going well, though. I just fear that Nintendo are focusing on the 3D effects of the games rather than the games themselves. Gates to Infinity was nothing in comparison to the other Mystery Dungeon games. Yes, the ending does what it normally does and the story was cool, but post-game is boring, so many Pokémon are absent and jobs are tedious. Some new mechanics were good though, but they ditched some of the old ones like Belly (to an extent) and IQ. I'll get Dream Team Bros. and see how that stacks up against BiS and PiT :)

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I only agree with the Wii having a "meh" lineup of games. Due to its lack of power compared to its rivals, it received crappy ports, not cross-platforms. Other than probably Undercover, all the Need For Speed games were awful for the Wii; even the exclusive Nitro was terrible (though apparently it was IGN's "Best of E3"...?). I don't, however, agree with the "kiddie game" stuff. Yes, Mario has been rehashed to death, but there were three (five, depending on your point of view) Metroid games released for the Wii: Prime 3, Prime Trilogy and Other M (yes, I went there). Also, Mario Kart is the most hardcore shit. Also, do remember that good franchises don't have to be "burly 'n' bloody FPSs" to be enjoyable, and they don't need to be released thousands of times on the same console with virtually nothing changed. So long as the games are awesome, I don't care if they only release one-or-two of one franchise on the same system. Unfortunately, it would appear that F-Zero, the most badass racing game of all time (next to Big Rigs, of course :P ) was not present on the Wii, and perhaps will not be on the Wii U, either :( The 3DS is going well, though. I just fear that Nintendo are focusing on the 3D effects of the games rather than the games themselves. Gates to Infinity was nothing in comparison to the other Mystery Dungeon games. Yes, the ending does what it normally does and the story was cool, but post-game is boring, so many Pokémon are absent and jobs are tedious. Some new mechanics were good though, but they ditched some of the old ones like Belly (to an extent) and IQ. I'll get Dream Team Bros. and see how that stacks up against BiS and PiT :)

Nintendoland had a F-Zero mini game, And (my Username) said you have to wait for these games... I'm with you Matt. WE NEED F-ZERO DAMMIT!

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I only agree with the Wii having a "meh" lineup of games. Due to its lack of power compared to its rivals, it received crappy ports, not cross-platforms. Other than probably Undercover, all the Need For Speed games were awful for the Wii; even the exclusive Nitro was terrible (though apparently it was IGN's "Best of E3"...?). I don't, however, agree with the "kiddie game" stuff. Yes, Mario has been rehashed to death, but there were three (five, depending on your point of view) Metroid games released for the Wii: Prime 3, Prime Trilogy and Other M (yes, I went there). Also, Mario Kart is the most hardcore shit. Also, do remember that good franchises don't have to be "burly 'n' bloody FPSs" to be enjoyable, and they don't need to be released thousands of times on the same console with virtually nothing changed. So long as the games are awesome, I don't care if they only release one-or-two of one franchise on the same system. Unfortunately, it would appear that F-Zero, the most badass racing game of all time (next to Big Rigs, of course :P ) was not present on the Wii, and perhaps will not be on the Wii U, either :( The 3DS is going well, though. I just fear that Nintendo are focusing on the 3D effects of the games rather than the games themselves. Gates to Infinity was nothing in comparison to the other Mystery Dungeon games. Yes, the ending does what it normally does and the story was cool, but post-game is boring, so many Pokémon are absent and jobs are tedious. Some new mechanics were good though, but they ditched some of the old ones like Belly (to an extent) and IQ. I'll get Dream Team Bros. and see how that stacks up against BiS and PiT :)


Nintendoland had a F-Zero mini game, And (my Username) said you have to wait for these games... I'm with you Matt. WE NEED F-ZERO DAMMIT!

I agree with both of you. We need F-zero game.

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Huh...is it just me, or does it look like they've been sacrificing running speed and game difficulty for lots of new prettyful powerups/enemies? I only played New Super Mario Bros. Wii once, and none of the newer ones since, but it really looks like Mario runs a lot slower than he did back in the Snes/64 games. I'm not saying it looks like a bad game, but aside from the lava/ice boss, it kinda looks easy compared to the older games.   EDIT: My bad, I hadn't seen that this was a fan game :bow:

Late replay but I've played New Super Mario Bros. Wii millions of times. God I never expierenced it with a friend (not counting my sister, she sucks at games) so It sucks to be me. I wanna try Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii when I get back from New York.
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  Wait is that what you are saying or what you heard from people? Either way just WOW..........  



How in any way was my comments on how the Wii is a piece of shit, epic fail?


Just cause you are a Nintendo fan boy that accepts any titles Nintendo shits down you're throat as gold, does not mean I was wrong about anything I have said about the system.


I have no idea whats lined up for the Wii U.... But I can assure you it will be a fail system just like the Wii the moment PS4 and Xfag One is released. 

Especially since I am pretty confident in where I see Nintendo heading.



The wii had many games though for me anyway. I have a lot of wii games



It had many SHIT games. Games that belonged on smartphones and ipads. Just cause there were alot of so called "games" does not mean they were good games or make it a good system.

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I am loling so hard rite now.


How in any way was my comments on how the Wii is a piece of shit, epic fail?


Just cause you are a Nintendo fan boy that accepts any titles Nintendo shits down you're throat as gold, does not mean I was wrong about anything I have said about the system.


I have no idea whats lined up for the Wii U.... But I can assure you it will be a fail system just like the Wii the moment PS4 and Xfag One is released. 

Especially since I am pretty confident in where I see Nintendo heading.





It had many SHIT games. Games that belonged on smartphones and ipads. Just cause there were alot of so called "games" does not mean they were good games or make it a good system.

1. Wii didn't suck though, and it had good games.

2.>thinks i'm a nintendo fanboy cause I respond to a comment of his

3. >calls the wii u shit and xbox one xfag one (notice no specific name for the "ps4") Yeah I know where this is going

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Well the Wii U is just a little less gay then the Wii.


Nintendo just seems to be making shit games meant for kids and not real gamers. Sure there were some great games released for the system like Zelda and SOME Mario games but all in all theres just been SHIT for the Wii. All games that belong on mobile devices. Not on a consol. 


You can start NOT failing as hard as you have been by maybe releasing more then one Zelda an Smash Bros for one system. Making us wait till you make a next gen consol to release or even start making a new game was just a stupid and retarded idea from the start.


Also, Quit doing this motion controller shit. Its stupid. Gamers want to game, Not care about trying to figure out how the numchucks or Wii tablet work in a game.


Stop fucking failing and releasing bullshit for 3rd graders. And go back to you're roots and release M rated titles. 


Because a game that doesn't have dull, washed-out, colorless, "realistic" graphics and guns and lots of swearing and bloodshed is automatically bad. Yeah, I've played a LOT of "kids" games that are actually quite a lot of fun, a good amount of them being on the Wii. Sure, the Wii does have a lot of "Shovelware" on it, but that doesn't mean ALL games on it are bad.


Actually, I think while the Nintendo consoles might have too many colorful and whimsical games, I also think that the other systems don't have enough of them.

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I honestly can't tell if Keeva is trolling or not, purely because what he's saying is so stereotypically anti-Nintendo, it hurts. Hurts right in the Warp Pipe.

Hmph!! :redcard: More likly he is.


For me when it comes down to favor game systems I'm pretty much independant on it.  I play all my game systems of the games I like playing even good old classics. I like playing Rpg, Fighting, and plat-form games dosnt matter what system ( by Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) As long they provide the game-genre I like I am satisfied. :awesome

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For me when it comes down to favor game systems I'm pretty much independant on it.  I play all my game systems of the games I like playing even good old classics. I like playing Rpg, Fighting, and plat-form games dosnt matter what system ( by Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) As long they provide the game-genre I like I am satisfied. :awesome

Mmh. It just so happens that all my favourite games are on Nintendo consoles :3

Well, besides the few I have on my computer (hey, I play MUGEN like a game when I feel like it).

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Mmh. It just so happens that all my favourite games are on Nintendo consoles :3

Well, besides the few I have on my computer (hey, I play MUGEN like a game when I feel like it).

Haha! so do I Garchompmatt. :=D:

Of all the games I play on my PC Mugen is the main thing, cause to me it has endless possibilities :goodmood:

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(hey, I play MUGEN like a game when I feel like it).

Wait, you mean we're not supposed to play it like a game? I've been doing it wrong this whole time :omg:


It had many SHIT games. Games that belonged on smartphones and ipads. Just cause there were alot of so called "games" does not mean they were good games or make it a good system.

True, some of the Wii's games look like something you'd see in a Pizza Place for little kids. On the other hand, Xbox and PS3/4 are veering more and more towards interactive movies rather than games, so they're not exactly high and mighty either.

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I think its funny you guys think Im trolling for telling the truth. I just tell it like it is.


Wii is utter shit with the exception of a few titles. 


Wii U.... I admit to rushing on judgement..... But the whole tablet thing and the shitty selection for the console? Can you blame me?

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Yes its my opinion. But there is truth to it as well if you choose to see it.


I see it entirely as truth. You can choose to take it how it is.


Some of you shouldn't jump on a guy for expressing his opinion in a topic called "why is Wii u hated?" topic/thread.

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Stop fucking failing and releasing bullshit for 3rd graders. And go back to you're roots and release M rated titles. 


Probably the funniest thing I have read in awhile. I mean really just motherfucking wow

I think its funny you guys think Im trolling for telling the truth. I just tell it like it is.


Wii is utter shit with the exception of a few titles. 


Keep telling yourself that

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Probably the funniest thing I have read in awhile. I mean really just motherfucking wow


I was refering to titles like Conquers Bad Fur Day, and Doom 64. The wii really didnt offer many M rated titles.


I dont know what the future holds on the Wii U as I have said before. But my distaste with the Wii leaves a bad image for Nintendo products for me.


You can cry about me expressing my dislike and view on the system, but really I dont give a shit what a little kid like you has to say about me anyways.

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>little kid

>always how it turns out with these "type of people"


Otherway around m8


I mean cleary the other way around



I dont know what the future holds on the Wii U as I have said before. But my distaste with the Wii leaves a bad image for Nintendo products for me.

What you should have said to begin with

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