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What I hate about irrational people's views on PS3 and 360. Your Views?


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My pure hate for these people comes in the form of a true story that recently happened.

So my Grandfather decided to get me and my cousin a game system for when we have family party's down there(I am 15, my cousin 12) My Dad told him to talk to me so he asked me which would be best for us and him so he asked me what to get between a PS3 and an Xbox. Now before you read the rest, please note that I am NOT a PS3 Fanboy and gave him this advice for the reasons of how much this was gong to cost him. So anyway I said he should buy a PS3. This is because all of the online features were free, excluding the Non-Free DLC and the optional LOVEFILM service which is only 3.99 a month. I also told him everything I knew about each console and explained points about each one professionally and rationally and he agreed that he shoud get the PS3 because it was cheaper (The PS3 would only cost him £105 with 4 free games, while the 360 would have cost him £135 with an extra £100 to get the add ons). This roughly took me over an hour to explain this.

However, the next week my 12 Yr old cousin said this 'the Xbox is 100% better than the gay PS3 because the Xbox Live is great and of course, the Xbox has a lot of extra features. The only good thing about the PS3 is the online is free but i've heard the PSN is crap', Yeah, this is coming from a 12 year old 360 Skyrim fanboy who has only been playing games for as little as 4yrs, thinks Street Fighter and Tekken are Gay because in MK you can kill people and has never even seen a PS3. Compared to me who has been playing games for over 12 years since the PS1 system which would be foreign territory to him. The annoying thing is that just because he said that my grandparents and my Dad completely forgotten my offer to help them pick out everything and everything I and said and decided my cousin and his Dad should come help choose the Xbox becuse they are obviously the most 'experienced'. And of course I, being very rational on the subject tried to remind them about how much it was going to cost for all this. But my Dad simply said, 'Not Now' (Yeah, my Dad is so great at that Father/Son role eh?) So yeah,he made one point about the PS3 and automatically won the debate and what I would describe as 'preached' this to the rest of the family.

The whole point of that story and this topic is that my big problem with those who get involved with the console wars is that most of these people taht are taking sides just shows how childish the console war is. It just really gets on my nerves that these people make games look like total fucking whiny retards.

So, your opinions?

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No offense, but slap that kid silly! Joking but seriously WHAT?!?! Xbox and Microsoft have one thing on their minds. "Moneymoneymoneymoney.....gobblegobble". Sony and Nintendo are truly the only companies that are loyal to their fans with free online services, web use since the beginning, Netflix and Hulu and more. If this is for this month, PS3 is the one to go for, most definitely Plenty of free stuff for first timers. Xbox rewards you for nothing. If you're waiting, get Wii U next month, as it also is full of freebies, has Netflix/Hulu, comes with all of the games, etc. Point is, Microsoft is the gimmicky wanna-be, hater troll who copies everyone and thinks he's the hipster of the gaming world. Nobody likes him. Everyone would rather sit with the grandfather who has almost 30 years of experience and knows how to entertain with his stories (Nintendo) or the refined adult who figured out early on how to reel in fans that is Sony's Playstation.

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No offense, but slap that kid silly! Joking but seriously WHAT?!?! Xbox and Microsoft have one thing on their minds. "Moneymoneymoneymoney.....gobblegobble". Sony and Nintendo are truly the only companies that are loyal to their fans with free online services, web use since the beginning, Netflix and Hulu and more. If this is for this month, PS3 is the one to go for, most definitely Plenty of free stuff for first timers. Xbox rewards you for nothing. If you're waiting, get Wii U next month, as it also is full of freebies, has Netflix/Hulu, comes with all of the games, etc. Point is, Microsoft is the gimmicky wanna-be, hater troll who copies everyone and thinks he's the hipster of the gaming world. Nobody likes him. Everyone would rather sit with the grandfather who has almost 30 years of experience and knows how to entertain with his stories (Nintendo) or the refined adult who figured out early on how to reel in fans that is Sony's Playstation.

None taken and I know I sound like a dumb ass here but I'm tired right know but when you say slap that kid do you mean me or the 12 yr old.
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I think you're getting steamed up from a 14-year-old's opinion. PC gaming is the way to go.

Console wars are really stupid. Xbox supporter's only real arguments is that they have a larger playerbase (due to Xbox being considerably cheaper) and ,well, the cost of the console is cheaper.

Also, the exclusives for the Xbox is rather lacking compared to the ps3.

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If the PS3 was somewhat cheaper, $50 even, it would be no contest, people would be playing the ps3 and enjoying it.

But yeah, don't get too mad over some stupid kid who doesn't know anything.

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I think you're getting steamed up from a 14-year-old's opinion. PC gaming is the way to go.

Console wars are really stupid. Xbox supporter's only real arguments is that they have a larger playerbase (due to Xbox being considerably cheaper) and ,well, the cost of the console is cheaper.

Also, the exclusives for the Xbox is rather lacking compared to the ps3.

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If the PS3 was somewhat cheaper, $50 even, it would be no contest, people would be playing the ps3 and enjoying it.

But yeah, don't get too mad over some stupid kid who doesn't know anything.

I'm not steamed over it, I put it up because a lot of people ask me about it. And also what do you mean by 14? my cousins 12!
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I had a PS2. I loved it to death. I have an Xbox360 now, and its great as well. As much as I'd hate to tell the fanboys... there is no difference between the two consoles other than Xbox's superior online (but its not free so its a trade-off). I am equally happy with both consoles and I HATE when people fight over which ones better. If a loading tray matters so much to the PS3 fanboys, they have nothing better to worry about. Ignore them. As for the fanbase, PS3 fans claim to have a more mature one, but actually I see more 12-7 year olds on Mortal Kombat IX on PS3. That aside, the online is free, so Xbox needs to step up to the plate on that. I do however slightly prefer Xbox because of Live and the controllers (and NOT HAVING KRATOS FANBOYS XD!) Overall scores IN MY OPINION: Xbox: 9.0 PS3: 8.5 Wii: 7.0 PS2: 10 Xbox: 8.0 SNES: 8.0 NES: 8.0 Genesis: 8.5 Saturn: 7.0 Dreamcast: 7.0 N64: 8.5 Yes I have played all of these systems.

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Defiantly agree with you on the whole fanboys part Centurion, especially on giving the PS2 a 10. Out of Production and still the King of Kings of consoles. But exactly how is the LIVE superior than the PSN? I tend to avoid the 12 and below players on PSN, 85% off users on my friends list are 15 or above. I seem to have a gift of maturing young players on PSN. However the youngest person I have ever met in online gaming was 5 on Xbox Live

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I had a PS2. I loved it to death.

I have an Xbox360 now, and its great as well.

As much as I'd hate to tell the fanboys... there is no difference between the two consoles other than Xbox's superior online (but its not free so its a trade-off).

I am equally happy with both consoles and I HATE when people fight over which ones better. If a loading tray matters so much to the PS3 fanboys, they have nothing better to worry about. Ignore them. As for the fanbase, PS3 fans claim to have a more mature one, but actually I see more 12-7 year olds on Mortal Kombat IX on PS3. That aside, the online is free, so Xbox needs to step up to the plate on that. I do however slightly prefer Xbox because of Live and the controllers (and NOT HAVING KRATOS FANBOYS XD!)

Overall scores IN MY OPINION:

Xbox: 9.0

PS3: 8.5

Wii: 7.0

PS2: 10

Xbox: 8.0

SNES: 8.0

NES: 8.0

Genesis: 8.5

Saturn: 7.0

Dreamcast: 7.0

N64: 8.5

Yes I have played all of these systems.

u wot m8.

It's like you haven't even read anything posted in the thread at all. Saying there is no difference between a ps3 and an Xbox 360 is being ignorant. This is coming from someone who owns neither console. In fact I've plaed more Xbox than ps3.

When people have a console discussion, they argue specs, prices, exclusives, controllers, things to that degree. Not whether or not there is a tray or not. Smart people also don't argue about online users, because people online are generally stupid.

I also demand to know what your basis on scoring consoles are, the Sega Dreamcast deserves way more than the lowest score on your chart.

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My pure hate for these people comes in the form of a true story that recently happened.

So my Grandfather decided to get me and my cousin a game system for when we have family party's down there(I am 15, my cousin 12) My Dad told him to talk to me so he asked me which would be best for us and him so he asked me what to get between a PS3 and an Xbox. Now before you read the rest, please note that I am NOT a PS3 Fanboy and gave him this advice for the reasons of how much this was gong to cost him. So anyway I said he should buy a PS3. This is because all of the online features were free, excluding the Non-Free DLC and the optional LOVEFILM service which is only 3.99 a month. I also told him everything I knew about each console and explained points about each one professionally and rationally and he agreed that he shoud get the PS3 because it was cheaper (The PS3 would only cost him £105 with 4 free games, while the 360 would have cost him £135 with an extra £100 to get the add ons). This roughly took me over an hour to explain this.

However, the next week my 12 Yr old cousin said this 'the Xbox is 100% better than the gay PS3 because the Xbox Live is great and of course, the Xbox has a lot of extra features. The only good thing about the PS3 is the online is free but i've heard the PSN is crap', Yeah, this is coming from a 12 year old 360 Skyrim fanboy who has only been playing games for as little as 4yrs, thinks Street Fighter and Tekken are Gay because in MK you can kill people and has never even seen a PS3. Compared to me who has been playing games for over 12 years since the PS1 system which would be foreign territory to him. The annoying thing is that just because he said that my grandparents and my Dad completely forgotten my offer to help them pick out everything and everything I and said and decided my cousin and his Dad should come help choose the Xbox becuse they are obviously the most 'experienced'. And of course I, being very rational on the subject tried to remind them about how much it was going to cost for all this. But my Dad simply said, 'Not Now' (Yeah, my Dad is so great at that Father/Son role eh?) So yeah,he made one point about the PS3 and automatically won the debate and what I would describe as 'preached' this to the rest of the family.

The whole point of that story and this topic is that my big problem with those who get involved with the console wars is that most of these people taht are taking sides just shows how childish the console war is. It just really gets on my nerves that these people make games look like total fucking whiny retards.

So, your opinions?

Topic starter says different. He says that the whole argument is childish. I am pointing out some of the dumb points I hear people making, just like he was.

And about the Dreamcast, I found its games to be very limited and poor, although the system itself was great, it was outclassed by the PS2 and Xbox. The ratings were determined on Games, NOTICEABLE graphics and Misc stuff.

Games : 5 points Graphics: 2 points Misc: 3 Points

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Topic starter says different.

And about the Dreamcast, I found its games to be very limited and poor, although the system itself was great, it was outclassed by the PS2 and Xbox.

I don't see what you're trying to say by quoting the entire first post, that you agree with a 12-year-old or that console wars are stupid.

Also, what games did you play? I found the games for the Sega Dreamcast were fucking rad. Also the Dreamcast ports for most games were amazing compared to the ps2 and XBox.

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I don't see what you're trying to say by quoting the entire first post, that you agree with a 12-year-old or that console wars are stupid.

Also, what games did you play? I found the games for the Sega Dreamcast were fucking rad. Also the Dreamcast ports for most games were amazing compared to the ps2 and XBox.

I posted the entire quote cause It kept giving me error messages when I tried to select the bold part as a quote.

But It was canceled due to its inferior graphics and games. Its games were good, but compared to the Xbox and PS2, it failed. And as for the games, Rainbow 6 and starlancer. My friend owned a dreamcast and had those two games.

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Only thing I say to console wars in real life. "It all depends on the game genre you enjoy most!" If you love shooters, get an Xbox 360, no questions asked. Their controllers and system is built for that. If you love fighters, rpgs, adventure or platformer, get a Ps3. Their controller and system is built for that. I could be wrong, but this is what personally believe. I've played xbox 360 for about 3-4 years and realized I spent over $180 on online with no benefits. Online is based more on connection of your local or wireless connection than the company's netcode. The only reason I still touch my xbox is that I have Jet Set Radio Future on it alongside Kof 2002 UM and Garou: MOW. I think I've ran into WAY more bratty children on xbox than ps3, hell, not many people even feel the need to use mics most of the time! But, other than that, xbox shooter communities have tought me one thing; that everyone has slept with my mother and that I'm gay. People on there just can't listen to reason it seems. EDIT: Ps2 will always be a dominate system in my eyes.

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I posted the entire quote cause It kept giving me error messages when I tried to select the bold part as a quote.

But It was canceled due to its inferior graphics and games. Its games were good, but compared to the Xbox and PS2, it failed. And as for the games, Rainbow 6 and starlancer. My friend owned a dreamcast and had those two games.

Just saying, the Sega Dreamcast was discontinued due to piss poor marketing, not because of inferior graphics or games.

Also, while Rainbow 6 and Starlancer are two great games, the Dreamcast has a plethora of amazing games such as Jet Grind Radio, Sonic Adventures, Power Stone, Shenmue, Space Channel 5, Unreal Tournament, the list goes on.

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Defiantly agree with you on the whole fanboys part Centurion, especially on giving the PS2 a 10. Out of Production and still the King of Kings of consoles. But exactly how is the LIVE superior than the PSN? I tend to avoid the 12 and below players on PSN, 85% off users on my friends list are 15 or above. I seem to have a gift of maturing young players on PSN. However the youngest person I have ever met in online gaming was 5 on Xbox Live

3 of my friends with PSN accounts have to Reconnect the WIFI a lot more then I had to... never. Also, It has firewalls, more features, faster speed, less glitches and better running in general all because it is constantly monitored. PSN is free because no one watches over it hence the hacks in 2010.

I met almost 0 kids on MW2 back when I played shooters (the thought gives me chills now). My friends and I specifically troll on PSN for kids on Black Ops cause there is more of them. Not saying there is a difference, because both camps age ranges are pretty balanced due to high sales.

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3 of my friends with PSN accounts have to Reconnect the WIFI a lot more then I had to... never. Also, It has firewalls, more features, faster speed, less glitches and better running in general all because it is constantly monitored. PSN is free because no one watches over it hence the hacks in 2010.

I met almost 0 kids on MW2 back when I played shooters (the thought gives me chills now). My friends and I specifically troll on PSN for kids on Black Ops cause there is more of them. Not saying there is a difference, because both camps age ranges are pretty balanced due to high sales.

okay,I can accept the whole reconnect thing because I know that from experience, but has ONLY happened when I connect to my Wi-Fi on my windows 7 laptop. But saying that the PS3 is full of hackers and never monitored compared to the Xbox LIVE is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The Xbox is a GIANT COMPUTER that is easily hackable, Old Halo servers especially are never monitored. Me and my bud played MW2 and Halo 3 on Xbox LIVE and found ourselves playing against an army of hackers. Sony's systems have the most hack security in a system you can get. And as for trying to prove your point with the 2010 hacks, the Xbox has tons of hacks you can easily install yourself just like that because like I said the Xbox is basiclly a giant computer. So saying that the Xbox is better than the PS3 because it's hard to hack is just plain stupid.
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No offense, but slap that kid silly! Joking but seriously WHAT?!?! Xbox and Microsoft have one thing on their minds. "Moneymoneymoneymoney.....gobblegobble". Sony and Nintendo are truly the only companies that are loyal to their fans with free online services, web use since the beginning, Netflix and Hulu and more. If this is for this month, PS3 is the one to go for, most definitely Plenty of free stuff for first timers. Xbox rewards you for nothing. If you're waiting, get Wii U next month, as it also is full of freebies, has Netflix/Hulu, comes with all of the games, etc. Point is, Microsoft is the gimmicky wanna-be, hater troll who copies everyone and thinks he's the hipster of the gaming world. Nobody likes him. Everyone would rather sit with the grandfather who has almost 30 years of experience and knows how to entertain with his stories (Nintendo) or the refined adult who figured out early on how to reel in fans that is Sony's Playstation.

actually most systems now a days only care about money..its nothing new. there is also alot of hacking going on as well. consoles are not as same as they used to be..before online modes. now people can hack into stuff..
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Ok so I would HATE to play devils advocate but I have no choice. I had a PS3 since launch WAY before a 360, I got mine a few years later(around the time ODST and MW2 came out). I have gotta say that I had more fun on a 360 then i do on a PS3 for various reasons. One thing i'm getting tired of is oh PS3's online is better cause its free, unlike 360's. Which is true but I don't believe it should be a reason to not get a 360 nor it should be the winning argument on why the 360 is ass compared 2 PS3. both have their flaws and advantages but if i had to really choose, PS3 has more faults. nobody socializes on there(text chat is ass it doesn't count. Plus for proof i have a majority of you on my friends list and yall dont play or talk to a nigga man), you have to install every game which wastes and takes up time(proof is Rooster Teeth Rage Quit series where michael was trying to play resistance 3 and it took over 22 minutes for him to get to the title screen), even though you don't have 2 pay for online the market place is super expensive compared to the XBL market and because of that they want you to get PS plus, everything is wireless(including headsets) so you have to spend more money on extra controllers(ps3 controller $50-60, 360 $30-50), the headsets HAS to be bluetooth even the turtle beaches, you can't get wired 3rd party controllers or you cant play their exclusives one tof them especially is including heavy rain. controllers break VERY easily compared to 360 and even the wii is more stabled. The systems online CONSTANTLY updates as much or even more than itunes. However PS3 is still a good investment cause it plays certain game better due 2 a better graphics card and it has better memory than a standard 360 does so thats another up. the online is still ass compared to the 360 but at least it doesn't force you to have a good connection which is a good and a bad thing. Honestly get both systems they're both good and everybody wins. I mean if you don't have the money to pay for XBL then play on PS3 until you get money for it.

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idk why I hear so many people talk down on the ps3. I mean it has its flaws just like anything else but so does xbox. neither are perfect so just shut up about saying one is better than the other. Besides neither one has a good security to it, so they are very hackable. Ps2 didnt have to worry about that. since online came around they have to update it like crazy cause of hacks. They are both good consoles end of story.

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Its called a computer. Play Steam.

Computer games are just as worst. U still have 2 pay for shit on steam and not only that u have 2 constantly update your computers ram, hard drive space, and video card just to run decent games. ie battlefield 3 and wow.

besides computer gamers bitch twice as much as console gamers. complain everytime an original PC title comes to a console and complain about someone play games on a mac or even owning a mac, defending PC gaming like its the only goddamn thing in the world, also claims that everything runs better on a PC then on everything else and then ride on the only thing PC gaming is good for which are the hacks people make. SF4 was a prime example and so was GTA SA. outside of the costume hacks and desk nobody gave a shit bout SF4 on the PC cause everybody got that shit through torrent. and GTA SA on the PC was only known for their hacks not the gaming difference.

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