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Good Bye Nintendo Power


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if you havent heard the news, Nintendo Power's last issue will be the December 2012 issue, which will be mailed to subscribers in late November and sold on newsstands starting December 4. join us here to talk about, recollect memories of, and post videos tributing this great magazine. " Remember, you will always have the power." http://dvice.com/assets_c/2012/08/Nintendo-Power-issue-1-thumb-550xauto-98695.jpg (first issue)

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Being a Teenager, I wasn't there to see them in the beginning, but Nintendo Power has been something pivotal in my childhood, to which I still refer back to and trust more then any other Video Game website. If Nintendo Power gave it a good review, I was there. Seeing it go makes me a little sad, but if it's for the best of Nintendo, I guess it's done. At least I can say that I once had the Power. Nintendo Power.

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i still think it's not a good move, tho i get it in a sense, with e'rybody & their momma usin' iPADs & shit. sometimes i truly think tha digital age is takin' shit a bit too far, & in turn is takin' too much away.....

Well, think about it in a business sense. If you were to put out x amount of something in circulation and only a Y amount of money is brought in, which is less than the x amount, there isn't much sense for doing it again and lose money.

and unfortunately for me, i never able to even be a member : (

Publication doesn't stop until December, so you have about 2 more months.

does anyone know wer i can buy nintendo power in large bundules?

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Well, poor Nintendo Power... I'm not dissapointed because their reviews were so flaud and also with the,constent mistakes, typos, excedra. Nintendo Power lost it appeal to me after the first No More Heroes came out they clamed the game is "not safe for work", but they even went to the point of giving the Wii games "The Last Story" and "Samurai Warriors 3" a low score of... I think 5.2... What they said about "The Last Story" was that "They would rather play in the land of Hyrule rather then some unknown world". The Samurai Warriors 3 review really peeved me of! I mean they gave Samurai Warriors 3 a 4.8 out of 10 they said, "they liked Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes better then Samurai Warriors 3." Claiming the games are like "equals" Which they are not! I mean Sengoku Basara's gameplay is like DMC not Samurai Warriors' combo system! and another thing that peeved me off they ignored The Famicom Game, The Mysterious Murasame Castle's 25th Anniversary, The main protaganist named Takamaru guest starred In Samurai Warriors 3 and even had a mode that revived the old game! But this isn't the first time they forgot a anniversary, they forgot Kirby when it turned 15! a fan sent a letter to them saying,"Why did you forget about Kirby's Anniversary?" their response was,"We are pretty tired of Kirby, we would rather celebrate Lolo's Anniversary" I dIdn't intend for this to sound like a rant sorry! i was just trying to say how Nintendo Power fell out of power!

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Well, poor Nintendo Power... I'm not dissapointed because their reviews were so flaud and also with the,constent mistakes, typos, excedra. Nintendo Power lost it appeal to me after the first No More Heroes came out they clamed the game is "not safe for work", but they even went to the point of giving the Wii games "The Last Story" and "Samurai Warriors 3" a low score of... I think 5.2... What they said about "The Last Story" was that "They would rather play in the land of Hyrule rather then some unknown world".

The Samurai Warriors 3 review really peeved me of! I mean they gave Samurai Warriors 3 a 4.8 out of 10 they said, "they liked Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes better then Samurai Warriors 3." Claiming the games are like "equals" Which they are not!

I mean Sengoku Basara's gameplay is like DMC not Samurai Warriors' combo system! and another thing that peeved me off they ignored The Famicom Game, The Mysterious Murasame Castle's 25th Anniversary, The main protaganist named Takamaru guest starred In Samurai Warriors 3 and even had a mode that revived the old game!

But this isn't the first time they forgot a anniversary, they forgot Kirby when it turned 15! a fan sent a letter to them saying,"Why did you forget about Kirby's Anniversary?" their response was,"We are pretty tired of Kirby, we would rather celebrate Lolo's Anniversary"

I dIdn't intend for this to sound like a rant sorry! i was just trying to say how Nintendo Power fell out of power!

The reason why they probably said No More Heroes was NSFW is because the game contained scantily clad women.

Also, Several sites gave Samurai Warriors 3 a "bad" review such as gamespot or IGN.

Another thing, maybe the reason why they compared Samurai Warriors to Sengoku Barasa is because they have similar gameplay mechanics and characters? And about the Murasame's Castle, why would a magazine outside of Japan review a famicom game? You do realize the name Famicom is exclusive to japan, also why would they review it now, that game was 23 years old by the time Samurai Warriors 3 came out.

Also, Nintendo Celebrated Kirby's 20th anniversary by releasing Kirby's Dream Collector's Special Edition.

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That Doesn't Make Up For There Lazness, Also If i Remember Nintendo Power Celebarted A Stupid SEGA Game About An Elf That Was Japan Only(Can't Remeber Which Issue It Was I Have 100s), So What Nintendo Powers Excuse? Also Murasame Was Not The Only One Ignored By Them, Sin And Punishment Successor of Earth Was Ignore on Virtual Consoles Releases Sections, The Only Site That Talked About It Was The Brawl Website When Saki Was Announced As An Assist Trophy.

I Think What Zaibatsu Saying Is Trying To Say Is, They Don't Respect Japanese Games/Japanese Classice Games Too Well, Just Give Em, A Chance There Good!

Nintendo Celebrated Kirby's 20th anniversary by releasing Kirby's Dream Collector's Special Edition.

Yeah Nintendo Did, Not Nintendo Power, There Not The Company. Also Hated That Magazine They Hated Pokemon Conquest Cuz It Was "Too Japanese" It Was Great To Me And Many Fans Cuz It Was A Final Fantasy Tactics Esque Game But With Pokemon And Samurai Instead Of Trainer Battles. No, They Claimed It Derailed The Series! So Goodbye Nintendo Power!

Also I Think It Maybe A Media Stunt/Media Scare Cuz Back in 2005 They Said The Same Thing So I Don't Beleave Them.


Link: http://www.slashgear...ipped-21243533/

Just Read It Apperenty Its Just A Company With The Publisher That Are Having Problems With Nintendo Power So I Assume, There Gonna Find Someone Else To Publish It, Maybe Play Magazine Or Game Informer.

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